
Again not a logical link.

“Seriously? What the actual fuck do you think happens to any wild animal that dies?”...ummmm, gets eaten by scavengers.

......and I can still hear her complain

My three rescues from the last couple of years. My daughter and I kept the little white mutt, I took the cat out to the orchard where I work, and the pit was homed to my sister.

I am sorry about your experience, but do not give me “it’s just the breed” thing.

“Shelter employees are almost always guessing when labelling dogs’ breeds.”

So, no feedback? Alas, the life of a grey.

“My local bar serves hot dogs boiled in beer”

You are a sad individual. 

But I really am a French model, bon joir. 

It is now my mission to make a sandwich to name in your honor, just a heads up it will have potato chips or Doritos on it.


I eat a slice of deep dish pumpkin pizza every year on Thanksgiving.

St. Louis is in New Jersey. 

Why? Is the pizza dough 70% of the cost? 

Not upholstered with whale scrota?

“You paid how much?”

While I almost completely agree with you I do have a problem with people who don't like bacon. These people have no souls so I cannot be around them.

Put a couple of chunks of pineapple in a glass of coke-a-cola. People look at me weird until I point out that they have cherry coke, vanilla coke, lime coke, orange coke, etc. 

Apple pies w no top crust are deep dish apple pizzas.