Again not a logical link.
Again not a logical link.
“Seriously? What the actual fuck do you think happens to any wild animal that dies?”...ummmm, gets eaten by scavengers.
......and I can still hear her complain
“Shelter employees are almost always guessing when labelling dogs’ breeds.”
So, no feedback? Alas, the life of a grey.
“My local bar serves hot dogs boiled in beer”
You are a sad individual.
But I really am a French model, bon joir.
It is now my mission to make a sandwich to name in your honor, just a heads up it will have potato chips or Doritos on it.
I eat a slice of deep dish pumpkin pizza every year on Thanksgiving.
St. Louis is in New Jersey.
Why? Is the pizza dough 70% of the cost?
Not upholstered with whale scrota?
“You paid how much?”
While I almost completely agree with you I do have a problem with people who don't like bacon. These people have no souls so I cannot be around them.
Put a couple of chunks of pineapple in a glass of coke-a-cola. People look at me weird until I point out that they have cherry coke, vanilla coke, lime coke, orange coke, etc.
Apple pies w no top crust are deep dish apple pizzas.