
or on the water where I wouldn’t want glass”

Great, we don’t want you there anyways.

My local joint will put pickles on the pizza. 

You are missing the point. These are actual dill pickles not dill pickled flavored potatoe chips.

Can we somehow build a defloridizer for the US? 

I wonder how took those pictures and posted them online? 

“I'm just saying is all."

I posted a picture on a resteraunt review and now have over two hundred thousand views of a takeout burrito...WTF?

“your problem is you didn’t realize it was a joke, and are now trying to make this something else.”

That is why it is called an expansion plan, these are the places they intend to expand into, This article isn't about their current locations. 

Dennis Miller was funny once in high school, he didn't like it, so he never did it again. 

Starring this was a bit shameful, I get it, Florida is the Florida of the US, but the US is the Florida of the fucking world. 😳

Intolerant of assholes, just like everywhere else, but by your comment it sounds like you just "deal with it" instead of expecting and demanding more from your fellow human beings. 

Yes because the cars behind you can now get to the speaker and place their order and get it going quicker. I am not saying every car should be “nut to butt” but leaving even one car length ahead of you while others behind you are trying to pull up and place thier orders is a douche-turd move.

Ok imagonna rant on thier guac. I do not like tomatoes but Taco John’s put tomatoes in their guac. So if I order an item w/out tomatoes add guac guess what I still get fucking tomatoes!

Steven, Steven lives in Stevesnville, that's all, just Steven. 

I live where there is Taco Time, Taco Johns, many many "Taco Trucks" and of course the the Bell. Also if you were here I would take you to Ron's food mart, they have a taco shop in the mini-mart that blows them all away. They also fry their own chicken and use the chicken batter on their JoJos before they fry them. Oh

Yup, broken glass sucks, I have been using glass for 20+ years and have my fair share of breaks.

Lifehack on not being a degenerate #1:

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.