
So Trump is saying sexual assault doesn’t happen unless its reported to the police

<insert obligatory Chappelles Show Rick James quote>

They aren’t athletes, just a pub team.

Unlike Little Ben, facts back me up

He’s a Russian propagandist

Can’t do shit if you don’t have the cattle. Rosen carried them for 3 years, and he got beat up every week.

Is winning an aspect?

Sounds like he will still get his $5mill salary.

“The sign says geography lesson, map of Australia on the wall
I only look at Tasmania, the one place I adore”

So? This happens all the time

The ironic thing is Downer is the epitome or Tory conservatism and they can’t stand the Clintons

A number of CFB writers on twitter are saying Muschamp has been an anonymous source for them on multiple occasions

A post so detached from reality Trump will begin quoting it

Maybe voters looked at the Dems and realised that they are only Left by perception and not reality, so chose an actual Left party

Hope, we don’t don’t want her. Give us Barry Weiss instead

Fuck off

It’s called arrogance

Dershowitz and Trump both visited Epsteins “Lolita Island”

He should have run them over

oh, fucking lighten up. Stop taking yourself too seriously