I heard Gimli saying: “That still only counts as one!”
I heard Gimli saying: “That still only counts as one!”
It is no small feeling of relief that the only time I’ve been aware of these people is when they shit the bed and then blame others for their mess. YouTube, like almost all social media platforms, is a cesspool within which there are some useful, entertaining and informative videos, but the vast majority is utter…
I mean, this certainly is a trying time. . .
Oh, man! That’s WAY better!
You just figured out the perfect new name for Twitter!
While I’m thrilled they’re hitting him hard with the find out part, let’s not forget that the ONLY reason this is happening is because in this particular case, it was a wealthy white man who fucked over other wealthy white men. If Bankman was brown and/or only modestly successful, he’d have been excoriated…
I was VERY disappointed by BR 2049, partially because while it did a brilliant job of recreating the look style and mood of the original, I felt absolutely nothing for any of the characters. The direction resulted is such minimal performances that I never felt I got a sense of what anyone wanted.
“Like most of his films, the movie moves at a very measured pace, and that either works for you or it doesn’t. If you like the slower pace, you get to immerse yourself in the world. If you don’t, the movie takes forever to get anywhere and by the time it does, you might no longer care.”
I remember seeing him make an appearance at the end of a “Somebody Feed Phil” episode and thinking that he looked rather pale, and I didn’t think it was the makeup. 70 isn’t great, but it’s not bad, either.
I would recommend continued resistance. Lego has been leveraging FOMO really hard when it comes to Star Wars minifigs, and they’ve been doing this for decades. I’d say at half of the posts and questions on r/legostarwars are about the value of certain minifigs, determining fakes, and complaints about ones long out of…
I wouldn’t want to pay much more than $400 for it because while the size, sculpting, accuracy and detail is gorgeous, it’s still just a display piece. The Lego UCS Razor Crest is close to mini-fig scale, has superb interior and exterior detail, and you can modify nearly every aspect of the model since it’s Lego.
I missed out on the Razor Crest. Now I’m looking on eBay as it’s one of my favorite Star Wars ships. $400 for one in a sealed shipping box is pretty good! Hopefully such low prices will hold until November. . .
It looks so aggressively meh.
Wholeheartedly agree. Cranston is clearly the better actor, and his character had a much richer backstory. Taylor-Johnson’s character hardly had any development, and he’s not very good at establishing a character by himself. I don’t know if that’s the fault of his talent, or the writing and direction.
Agreed. I do hope that they can salvage something out of this project. The first film gets a lot of flak for various reasons, but I really enjoyed it’s exuberant color, humor and action. That Momoa played it snarky really helped me to understand to not take it seriously, and I had a blast!
Yeeaaah, I can see that now! His head appears off center with his torso. The background looks pretty sus as well. Will be interesting to see if they can spin any gold out of this wet straw.
Watching them monetize the site and further its impending demise (or not) is a particularly delicious kind of ironic.