David Simmons

I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but you can take that hook out of your lip if it hurts. :)

If there’s a single aspect that led to Star Wars’ creative downfall it’s the decision to make the Force a hereditary ability, rather than something anyone could master given time and patience. Early on, that was Lucas’ description of the Force; in one story conference from the early ‘80s he compares it to yoga. But in

I don’t care about the screen size or framing

The Mandalorian peaked in season 1 and 2. Book of Boba Fett, Season 3 of Mandalorian and Ahsoka were all pretty bad. Sigourney Weaver would be best avoiding joining the train wreck it's becoming.

This reply seems a bit out of proportion to the percieved offense.

Curious what you thought about the Andor trailers.

...and without the nostalgia factor everything else relies on to prop it up too. blech.

I think the vast majority of players these days are region free because the market for physical media has shrunk globally. From what I understand 4K UHD BD discs are also mostly region free. You’ll want to research specific titles and players in advance.

The not actually owning is always the big issue, but the other one that doesn’t get brought up as much is just the quality of the image. I watch a lot on streaming, sure, but anything I want to actually buy I get on bluray. The streaming services are all a bit different, but at worst the compression artifacts and


4K TVs are getting cheaper all the time, though (it’s hard now to even find new 1080p sets), and even if you never make the jump to Ultra-HD discs, regular Blu-Rays upscale pretty nicely. Also, if you don’t want to bother with the “smart” features, you can just turn off the Wi-Fi and use your old peripherals.

all our modern technology and it takes 4 years to build a bridge...

Why are you dedicating this much time to hating Star Wars when you could find a franchise you actually enjoy?

I teared up twice during the article and then again just seeing your still. Didn’t even need to play the clip; I knew that scene by heart. One of my two favorite movies of all time.

I knew immediately what moment you meant. :) It’s incredibly tender, and cute.

Did we need that many slides of the Pit droids?

The Falcon had a second UCS release.

40 slides for 5 products? What the hell?

It was so much better that Lucas went to extraordinary lengths to bury it, so people couldn’t watch it and compare it to his trash.

Counterpoint: No, Tron: Legacy was pretty to look at, nice to listen to but not much else.