Pug Attack

Yah, it’s a 9/80 work schedule, so if my math is right, figuring holidays and time off, I spend about 150 nights a year in one chain’s hotel room. Actually, primarily just that onehotel.

I know, man. It’s shit beer but that’s a terrific fucking ad. For the record, I haven’t bought an AB product in years (knowingly, anyway - all of us would do well to research “brewing under license”).

This is beautiful. (This is coming from a 36-year-old cisgender male.)

I do say, good chap, I’ve been looking for a bloody violent image for some years! Thatcher would be pleased.

25th Amendment s4 is, realistically, the only hope. Impeachment requires “high crimes and misdemeanors” but this 25th article centers upon a dutiful majority of government voting that POTUS cannot execute the duties of his office.

Thank you. I knew it instinctively, and I am regularly pelted by coworkers (albeit good-heartedly) for embodying this meme.

This gets my walrus of approval.

Let’s not forget, folks, that any CBP officer acting in defiance of this ruling is in contempt of court. Attorneys General, enforce the rule of law immediately.

Ugh, this is going to be an awkward first menage a trois between Trump, Tillerson, and Putin. 

I took opioids for long-term chronic pain. You’ll never believe what happened next!

Yeah, apparently it’s a real thing: OIC (opioid-induced constipation). I think when there is a derivative drug for just this side-effect, it is fair to say opioids are a very serious problem.

Jesus, thank you!

JPP couldn’t.

Number of Americans killed from these seven countries since 1975: zero.

Yep, MIRV’ed DF-5/(CSS-4)‘s and RS-28's sure do not inspire hope.

Agreed. Dad was normcore GOP, Mom areserved Dem, but neither particularly passionate. I registered initially as Republican - Christ, I remember I did it from the hallway of my high school, right outside the cafeteria! - because in 1998 growth and optimism were all over this country, and I had started a part-time job,

I was, until early 2015, a milquetoast Republican. I live in Maryland, so...anyway. I cannot tell you how many times I voted before this cycle - I honestly do not remember. The over/under is 1.5, and I signed up at 18. I’m 36, people.

Time Magazine just did a deep dive on him. This is the scariest thing I’ve read in a while: