They put a secret ingredient on it:
They put a secret ingredient on it:
Roger Goodell: [is constantly abused by fans of other 31 NFL teams]
Rams over Patriots in 2001 for similar reasons (but also Tom Brady and, y’know, holy justice).
Every Boston championship ever. I want their misery to be well deserved. People from Cleveland should be allowed to hit Boston fan in the balls on sight.
Canucks over Bruins in 2011...because fuck Boston
No man, it’s not boring. You see, you just don’t understand the game. - Every soccer fan ever, being condescending as hell.
I really hope Westbrook goes up for a dunk, drop kicks Curry in the face, and then reasons it by saying “well I was just trying to sell the foul”. Flagrant 1 in-game, Flagrant 2 post-game, no suspension. All is equal
Ooo! A rare PG commenter! Unfortunately many of the people IN PG are total fucking hicks. I’ve managed to find myself a nice group of normal folk though. Is it welcome back, or welcome for the first time?
I’d want to kick the shit out of someone too if I were stuck at a soccer game.
We boorish Americans will never understand this beautiful game.
I too have never watched an episode of GOT, nor do I ever plan to.
I can relate to non GoT watcher too and agree with you Drew. The only thing worse than getting the dead-pet treatment is that I hear them bitch about how the show’s “not even good anymore” yet I’m the crazy one for not watching it. I’m sorry that I utilize my free time with things I want to do than watch a show to…
I don’t know if it’s stupid per se, but I definitely don’t like it and can’t figure out why so many other people do. Like I understand that some people like fantasy, and I understand that some people like dark shows and violence, but what I can’t understand is why EVERYONE, even people who traditionally hate that…
“Game of Thrones is stupid.”
David is a goddamn hero. Game of Thrones is fucking garbage. Bad acting, terrible direction, the special effects are a joke, rampant unnecessary violence against women. Stop watch this shit people.
Oh I must be! And you must be justifying inferior systems of sports where they don’t have a playoff system.
Wow. This is like the most exciting news ever!!!! Leicester City doesen’t even have to win a game to be league champions and two other teams tying causes you to win the champion league??? I mean you can’t make this stuff up!