
She actually looks pretty in this clip. Does anybody know where she lives ?

Ok, glad that's settled, then :)

Don't get me wrong, they're great popcorn movies. But Guardians and maybe the first Iron Man are the only ones I truly enjoyed. Maybe it's because I don't really find captain america or thor such interesting superheroes.

Hopefully they won't be as bad as most current marvel movies.

It almost looks like everyone is trying to avoid competing with some grand game that might come out in October.

"Bitch, kill yourself !" - Dave Chappelle

Hey Blond ! You know what you are ?! Just a dirty son of a b-Ah-e-ah-e-ah, wah wah wah... RIP

In other news, millions of users abandon Steam for the superior experience and services Origin offers.

I have a question for anyone better informed than me. Because of the more PC-like architecture of the new consoles, I presume it will be possible to better emulate PS4 (in this case) games on computers. Just a presumption. I like to think there might be a slim chance that I will be able to finally play this game on my

They no longer have stoner eyes, nice. And the inanimate carbon rod is a nice touch.

Burner FTW, yay ! I deactivated my fb account over a year ago and I ticked the box with "I don't find fb useful" as the reason, just to burn them. I'm hardcore like that. Seriously, though, I don't find it useful...

I wanted to leave the exact same comment. Trippy.

Far Cry 4 soon to follow, apparently.

I can't wait to play a game built on this engine. And it'll be a loooong wait, saving up for a new rig...

Yep, that's me. Douche this, douche that. You've got me all figured out. Go and claim your prize.

You can't be angry and cerebral at the same time. Pretending to give a shit just to come off as what you imagine is a better person is not the same as giving an actual shit, though.

I sure do. But that doesn't make anything I've said less true.

So what if it were to be degrading or not ? Why the fuck should you or anyone else care ? Oh yeah, i keep forgetting that posing as a sensitive, cerebral person that adheres to the political correctness bullshit mentality means you don't have to deal with the fact that you're an idiot.