
Demon chick sure has nice nails.

No pics of deep fried cats and (hot)dogs ? I guess they're under the counter stuff.

They're actually mostly from Shitforbrainsburg, Russia. Ruskies shouldn't have driving licenses. Or cars. Or cameras. They have beautiful women, though, I'll give'em that.

Sam Fisher is watching you poop.

Know that you're not alone on this sad road, sir.

This is the most charming game I've seen or heard in a very long time. Although I'm not too fond of the turn based combat, I find the art design and the music simply irresistible. I like the innocence of it all.

Fuck yeah, Kevin Conroy, that's 80% of a good Batman game/series/film.

Amy, please go back to Eidos/Square Enix for just a single last game... After that you can do whatever your heart desires but just do this for me.

The cars actually look pretty good, especially the Zero. They're more flamboyant but nowhere near "ruined".

Endorsed by The Green Goblin.

Should Kotaku still do reviews ? NO !

The suspense is killing me !

Call an "ehmblance". Poser !

Indeed it does.

To quote RockPaperShotgun, who put it brilliantly, "Square Enix is just trying to shove a square peg into a Kain-shaped hole".

I sometimes play this game with my buddies, except it doesn't have to be numbers. I can make any type of rule about anything in my head and say a word, to which the others respond with another word that they think might fit my rule. Objects that I can see in the room, words that start or end with certain letters, etc.

I mostly come to this site for news and for the occasionally funny gif. The reviews are pure crap, I'm amazed anybody reads them anymore.

So I guess the clean bald head will come later, in post processing ?

Game looks nice and all but that guy's t-shirt reminded me of how much I need a new Fallout.