
Now build on top of the cars and call it a sacred corvette burial ground.

I watched some seasons back-to-back and I guess I kept going after that soapy crap due to inertia. Breaking Bad taking that long between seasons didn't help either, as I had to get my TV show fix.

This show was enjoyable up to season 5, when they decided to go full-on telenovela.

Is it weird that I keep my phone in the left front pocket even do I'm right handed ? It just feels right for me. Anyway, right back pocket is for the wallet, everybody knows that. Reaching for it back there feels the most natural for me.

His beard looks about 3 cm longer.

The Cave, quite a funny and clever little game. I also have Primordia and Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons on standby and perhaps another playthrough of Dead Space 3, because I didn't play the DLC. And then there's Oblivion, which I have to get a certain state of mind to start playing, if it's anything as time consuming

Zebra Moonwalk Attack. Classic.

Nor should you.

Legalize Wii, man !

No point in doing a 'shop now, this guy stole the show. There should be another contest starting tomorrow.


Aaaaay !

I'm not in the US and I can watch the clip just fine. Now I'm curious where you live, because it seems the geo racism is more specific than we thought :D


My brilliant, intelligent and funny comments don't even make it out of the grey lately but this shit does ? For shame !


Watched them all in one go a month back, because Mila (Extinction had the hottest Alice, just saying). Stupid, harmless fun, although the last two are pretty bad.
