
You mean pretentious hipster Troy Baker who loves talking about creating, creating, creating just for the sake of hearing his own voice? I mean, it’s a nice voice and he’s immensely talented, but man, he says a lot of dumb shit. Also he left Retro Replay to do his own dumb, boring channel which he seems to have

Agreed. Also, I didn’t find the controls clunky or the resource/gas gathering a chore. Honestly, in those respects it was better than RDR2. The story was pretty meh, but overall, it was quite a fun game.

You off your meds?

You must love the taste of your farts.

But that would make this a decent site instead of the shitty one that it is.

Make sure to play the first, it's the best one. Don't bother with the second, it's trash.

By far. WD2 was garbage, uninstalled it after a few hours and I don’t have any idea about this one. You'd have to be pretty stupid to keep playing these Ubisoft games. They're not even trying at this point.

According to the cracker, it wasn't Denuvo that was causing the stuttering, but Capcom's own DRM


I’m waiting for the inevitable back button attachement for the DualSense to replace my DS4. I’ve grown quite fond of it and I'm a bit dissapointed that Sony didn't incorporate it into the new controller.

Yep, my country’s pop culture does indeed suck. Fortunately we have actual culture here, you know, not being a shithole and everything.

Good talk, buddy. Keep the door to your echo chamber welded shut.

“pop culture”

As someone not from the US I find this concept so stupid and these type of articles so outstandingly pointless.

Alex, you are forgetting that Syd has been lied to and manipulated by Melanie/SK in the first place. As have you, for that matter, which is a testament to the show’s brilliance. I suggest you rewatch the last few episodes or maybe the entire series, you are severely missing the mark on this and underestimating the SK.

Lol, I wish, it would take less time to shave. Anyway, what is it with you and neckbeards? Did your dad use to sport one while hitting you over the head with a mechanical keyboard, or what? I can’t imagine why you’d be spouting such nonsense, otherwise.

Lol, I wish, it would take less time to shave. Anyway, what is it with you and neckbeards? Did your dad use to sport

Mechanical keyboards have started being marketed toward gamers only in the past few years. They feel a lot better for typing than membrane keyboards.

Mechanical keyboards have started being marketed toward gamers only in the past few years. They feel a lot better

OMG, dude, you’re a genius. How did you even think of that ?

The smallest gtx 1080 is made by Gigabyte.

Am I the only one who likes Connor the most ?