
For when you’re too big for Pottery Barn Kids but Pottery Barn is too old for you. Their primary demographic is girls, middle school through early college. When my daughter moved into her sorority she and her suite mates had matching duvet covers from PB Teen. I am happy to report she has outgrown this alarming phase.

I’m so glad she stressed these kids’ lack of access to formal, regular education. Not only do child stars not get the right skills at the right times the way they would in regular school, they don’t learn anything about their own minds, how to think and organize ideas, how to handle real world problems, and the entire

But The Sun’s reporting paints a royal house in a bind: Does Andrew go to America to clear his name or does the royalty maintain its mystery? “It’s a difficult predicament,” the anonymous source said.

It’s a commonly repeated rumor, but even in the tabs the “spree” wasn’t a single shopping day. Instead, it was how much Kate has reportedly spent on wardrobe and “upkeep” (hair, makeup, spa treatments, personal trainers, etc.). But again, the only place you’ll find the £1 million total is in Tabloid articles that

New milks and fake meat...come on, guys. Climate change is murdering the damn planet. People attempting to substitute nutritious weird food for meat and dairy is GOOD, not cancel-worthy.

Animal agriculture is cruel and killing the planet but yes let’s cancel new milks and fake meat 🙄

Christmas was ruined but it wasn't you or your sister's fault at all.

Sorry, but no. I’m a professional writer and marketer (and former English teacher) and it’s my job to analyze things like advertisements for consumer penetration. The first time I saw this ad while watching TV, before any articles were written, it struck me as not achieving the message the makers were trying for.

Well, the treasonous nitwit wasn’t always orange. Looks like he started changing color about the early 2000s - when tanning was A Thing and The Apprentice was starting up. If you miss tanning sessions but want to keep that “signature glow” (hork), you need to supplement with makeup. And artificial tanning makes you a

I read this, and the first thought I had is that you are being too hard on yourself.

Meanwhile the right-wingers are getting all huffy and sanctimonious about it, yet those same people laughed their asses off when Rush Limbaugh was and others were mocking Chelsea Clinton during the Clinton presidency.

Extra weird-romance points if his “Rose” is dead (which she would be), and the girl he falls in love with is her great-great-grand-daughter.

Literally all I could think of reading this. 

This is a much more important talking point.

The relationship was never going to last, and that just seemed like the least awkward way to break it off.

“It’s a very pure product that must not be consumed in this form because there is a very high risk of overdose,”

No offence, and I gave you a star for answering all his questions, but you kinda sound like you are an annoying person in real life. Are you?

(and there is no one else for that role but Linda Hamilton)

My crazy ex’s new girlfriend wrote me to ask me a few questions about the scheming liar who ruined my life with her gaslighting, lying and and all around fuckery...she was gorgeous and funny so I took a shot. It’s been two years and now I’m gonna ask her to marry me. The worst relationship of my life brought me to the