
My vet is also a close personal friend—you should never sedate your animals for flights, either in the cabin or especially in cargo, as they cannot regulate their body temp and can overheat causing severe damage and even death. Dogs and cats pant because they don’t sweat—if they are drugged up and passed out, they

I just told DonutBurnMe the same thing I’ll tell you. It depends on the person’s makeup. For me, they make me fat. I don’t eat much. But the difference between 6oz of steak and 6oz of potatoes is a couple pounds. On the potato side. I can’t eat them anymore. And the steak has as many if not more calories.

Not necessarily true. It depends on the person’s metabolic makeup. For me, any carbs at all make me gain, no matter how active I may or may not be. Didn’t used to be that way, I could eat a whole small pizza by myself and not gain an ounce. Now, just bringing it in the door adds two pounds even though I’m more active

not sure of the exact reason, but I would suspect it is similar to alcohol consumption. With thinner air at altitude drugs can have a stronger effect. thus if you sedated them on the ground, it could be an excessive amount once at altitude.

My friend works part-time as a fitness instructor (that Crossfit nonsense, yo), and he keeps telling me that if I want to slim down I have to give up my morning bagel with cream cheese (and fruit, goddamn it’s healthyish!), my pasta, my baked potatoes, and above all... my ramen noodles.

That’s because Patrick Allan is blogging ..... from inside ...... your house!

The reasoning seems to be that the Barra Velodrome wasn’t approved by UCI and to get it up to standard would have cost just as much as building a new one. That seems plausible but at this point would have probably been better.

I feel your pain :(

Oh yeah, totally. There really is no reason other than graft to replace a venue like this.

Dammit, the answer was exercise. I was trying to avoid that.

Potatoes, rice, pasta...the bane of my existence. I love them and can’t eat them. If I look at them, I gain 10 pounds. *sigh* Protein. Lots of that and no carbs makes a huge difference on me, but my brain and bod are never in sync. :(

But at least keep making weirdass mascots.

took me a sec but yeah :p

All this and I still can’t reprogram my RDIO button to launch something I actually use or a service that still exists *sigh*

I would rather drive 1000 miles with my dog than subject him to an airliner. Not to mention the risk of them losing or killing him.

Like flying a freaking plane is natural for any animal? Just got a kick out of that, haha.

Me: “ Yes, that’s okay. We aren’t measuring your pant size, we are taking a medical waist measurement. Unless you wear your pants over your belly button, it won’t be the same.”

Also silicon, glass, rubber, and steel sex toys. But not plastic ones (which you should just throw away anyway).

I've always stuck wooden spoons in the dishwasher with no ill effects (even a cutting board here and there)...what happens to wood?

i just ask siri to remind me in 29 days...pretty simple :)