
Lord, reading some of these comments makes me so grateful I am single. “My wife uses too many pans,” really? How many of those wives are making meals more complex than “put meat on grill grill good meat good”.

Ironic, since many of their posts tell you how to live off the grid.

I thought Uber charged based on the physical difference of the best route, and that the passenger did not pay extra based on the route actually taken? I definitely have experienced drivers “missing” exits and retracing steps...

They are really doubling down on consolidating/cancelling flights so everything this packed and they have fewer actual flights versus what they schedule.

Trufax; that is terrible advice. Unless you want to lose the friend. Which, if they constantly bring up money, maybe you don’t want their friendship anyway.

I absolutely understand how you feel on this one, and I agree completely. But also, if you are the friend who makes less, be careful not to insinuate that your job is more stressful or harder or what-have-you than your friend’s. Basically, let’s not be dicks to each other. It is one thing to feel as though you are

“Not only will this reduce wear and tear on your transmission and help you maintain optimal power output in the bends, but it also makes your car sound loud and cool, which makes you look loud and cool.” like a tool.

Extra pairs of underwear. I absolutely loathe doing laundry, and travel quite a bit for work. I am so much happier now that I have spare clean underwear. It makes the difference between, “ugh, I have to run laundry after 18 hours in the airport” and “yay, I can wait until tomorrow night to do laundry because I’ve got

Nope. Will not put cake in freezer.

This will be how I die.

Why would credit card companies pay to do this themselves when they can make the merchant do it for them ;)

Nope nope nope. See, you were merely convinced that no skins is the best by someone with a phobia of delicious things (see also: adults afraid to eat the crusts of sandwiches).

Some say opinions can never be wrong. They are wrong. This is wrong. Skins are the best.

... This kind of sounds like the person asking is going to kill the person they are talking to... like a sort of “any last requests” vibe...

Why would the boy not know who he was? I would assume the school would have announced the visitors to the school kids?

While sunlight is a major player in “leggy” plants, you can also see this sort of behavior from plants that are happy (it is their natural form), plants that are nutrient deprived, plants with too much water, plants without enough water, and so on. Without knowing the exact set up and species, it is hard to tell.

True enough. It just seems more prevalent in the south.

Unfortunately, a lot of white male academics get away with practically everything in the south.

Doggy seat belts are not required to be scientifically tested prior to sale. Independent testing comes back with mixed results, and, in some cases, the restrained doggo ends up worse off because of catastrophic belt failure.

Doggy seat belts are not required to be scientifically tested prior to sale. Independent testing comes back with

So, kind of like the hands-and-knees extend the opposite hand and foot but in reverse? I’ll have to try it :)