
I found myself drifting off during this episode. Without the ongoing storyline it lacked interest for me. I agree with someone on here, it seemed hokey and didn't add anything to the show. Wasn't worth the payoff of the AT-ST.

Since season 3. Agreed

Also no one even sounded Australian.  The accents were the worst. 

Why hasn’t John C Reilly made this man’s story into a feature length film?

I came here wanting to read about Alone in the Dark too. It really did have all the hallmarks from the next batch of RE. I don't know if Alone in the Dark was the first, but it must have been influential.

Are there a set of stairs in Baltimore for Edgar to run up during his training montage? 

I would say that at 7 it would be marginal to believe in that movie, right? 

I will take ordinary from these two over pretty much anyone else.

He does a really good Australian accent too so that's a bonus. 

I think Oswald's motivation in Epic Mickey is the best motivation I've seen in a video game protagonist ever

And yet the AV Club still couldn’t find any Frasier episode to put in their best sitcom episodes for the last 25 years. 

Yes to all. 

Speaking from someone outside the US, this whole business model seems odd. Never seen this type of set up here in Australia. 

I'd buy that for a dollar. 

In the pre-internet days of 1991, the rumour that the Simpsons were doing an episode about my country spread around school like wildfire. I think someone heard about it from a breakfast radio show. There’s no way they would do an episode all about Australia. But they did and it was great! It was the cultural event of

No Crocodile Dundee I see. Typical.

Ahhh, I didn’t read properly. My bad.

But..... it’s not.

I understand the hate about the water and aliens, but the real sticky point for me is Shyamalan casting himself as the neighbour who killed Mel’s wife (was it Roy?) His performance was the scariest thing on screen.

There is a lot of baggage with Gibson now, but I think it’s one of his best performances. Quiet, sad, and with a sense of detachment that I think reflects someone who has lost their wife and is trying to continue on with looking after his family.