
directors Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr., who make a meal of these sequences,”

Anyone else get “Lost” Season 6 vibes with Loki travelling around trying to convince people that their lives were not what they appeared and they needed to get back together?

I was also thinking I'd missed something. I got who X-05 was, but did they previously say why they were looking for him? I get that scene where the hunters are all leaving armed to the teeth, but I felt I'd missed a scene where they all got together and said they needed to track these hunters down etc etc. I felt

Yes. I think we both lamented the wheel spinning nature of The Mandalorian at times. But in the end Boba Fett didn’t even have wheels.

Yes I was thinking does he have a name but then looked it up and no name for you. 

LawrenceQ, I remember your posts from  The Mandalorian times and I agree with many of your points on that show. I'm curious,  between the two shows, which one was better (or which one worse)?

Cade derided Boba for trying to go straight. Taking over Jabba’s empire is what Cade thinks is going legit? I mean, Boba does seem to have turned Jabba’s criminal organisation into a local youth group for troubled teens, but there still has to be some level of crime?

So we seeing a spin off with Pelli Moto and Mok Shiaz's Majordomo in a multi camera domestic sitcom? 

I still think Jennifer Beals’ Garsa Fwip has more of a role to play.  I think she's more skilled than the show is showing and could be behind things

So, was Luke on his way anyway?

The only one I remember getting close to solving too. No tan lines

Much better! Maybe I just need added Werner Herzog to satisfy me.  

Episode 7 says she's a rebel

Sure, but I think it did start out serialised for the first 3 and a bit episodes. If we didn't have this overarching mystery of Baby Yoda then the episodic nature is great. But that was set up and has zero progression in the last few episodes.

The last three episodes have lost me. No overall narrative progression, just more wheel spinning. It looks pretty, and the action scenes still are engaging, but this almost feels like another show compared to the first half of the series.

I’m with you.  The last two episodes have really felt like wheel spinning to me. No story advancement in that time. 

Not according to Wookieepedia,  where she is listed as fighting for the Rebellion.

Part of the Rebellion,  no?

And what terrible things did Finn do before he swapped sides? Having never really seen him as a baddie, or been told of his feats as a baddie, there's no payoff for him flipping.

Anyone else sort of wish that Cara was an Imperial soldier, just to throw some shade into the generally predictable Empire = always bad people, Rebellion = plucky good people.