
I must have watched the original cut because I couldn’t stand Julia Roberts’ character.

You know that things in movies where a guy will be at a bar and a good looking girl comes up and smiles at him and then it cuts straight to them having sex? Never happened to me and furthermore I wish they would show the scenes in between so I can work out what to do.

My only Stephen Hawking anecdote from my teaching days when they had to write to a famous person.

Reading the book I always picured Charles Wallace as Stewie from Family Guy

I’m surprised by the lack of response - either way to this. No one really saying “yes it’s coming back” or “no, not a woman playing the main role”. Just lots of “what show was this” and “it was crap”. Man I loved the original, as a 6 year old all I wanted to do was be Ralph.

I was wondering why the Disney album would have every track listed as being Explicit.

This guy’s constantly having to explain his movie! Woody Harrelson’s arc on Canto Bight was integral to the story! It made sense that Frances McDormand would point her car towards the Supremecy and floor it. Of course Sam Rockwell can project himself across the other side of town. Wish people would give him a break.

So what’s this album?

I remember maybe watching the first two episodes and thinking, well the real life stuff looked ok, but damn that fantasy section looked awfully fake.


Ok, rank them. Chaplin, Lloyd and Keaton.

“and some additional casino shenanigans at Canto Bight.”

Rewound too.

What more does Aziz have to do?

I’ve felt for a while that there’s been a breed of comedies where a character, like Michael, and Archie Bunker too, who is set up to be the “bad” guy. The one who says the inappropriate things that we know are wrong and are reacted too in that way by the other characters. BUT. Their lines still elicit a laugh, they

I assume when you say Trevor Noah is from South Shithole (Africa) you mean South Shithole (South Africa). Not that it might reflect on American sensibilities.

History of Violence - The Video Game Series. Best action game of each year. Let’s do this.

There’s that part early on in The Walking Dead where it’s revealed that when anyone dies they reanimate as a walker. It’s in all of us. And I think maybe this inappropriate behaviour and attitudes are in all of us. It just gets revealed when we are rich, powerful or famous.

I was so delighted when I found out that he was Skips

I have read that post this deal the Murdochs would be the largest shareholder of Disney stock. Is that how it works? Paid in shares etc?