
If he’s drinking Fosters then he definitely isn’t Australian.

So, having never read anything with Deathstroke, but read about Deathstroke, is he Australian or not?

Yes, but how dense is it?

As long as at some point one of the turtles fall down a manhole and loudly ask who turned the lights out I am in.

What about a tribute to Gunpei Yokoi.

I don’t think we’re in the AV Club anymore Toto.

Even better

Well, it’s no Jean-Paul Sartre, Mr. Fancy-Pants, but I happen to think Sigmund Freud’s Civilization And Its Discontents 

If I ever needed to know where the demarcation line is between my generationand millennials then this is most definitely it

Drink tap. I've heard bubblers in the last few years down here, but it's still drink taps.

Up votes will be wiped? So I start the same as Dikachu and Ricky Coogan?

That year seemed…..poor

Not true. Many are recovered.

In Australia the changeover is already happening. I was dubious but actually having tasted it I now prefer No Sugar over Zero. This is from a daily Zero drinker.

Sadly without FLUDD on Mario's back I felt naked

My 5 year old daughter is attempting to play through it now on Dolphin. I gotta say I like FLUDD, they tried something different and even though it doesn't come off all the time it was fun. I didn't mind the coherent world, and even though I've heard that Delfino steel drums or piano accordion muzak for about 192

I didn't know Cable was in this!

So I Heart Huckabees?

So…..it's Mulholland Dr.? Has it always been that? I don't remember the abbreviation. The again I thought that the heart symbol in "I Heart NY" was meant to be said as "love" so I probably missed this too.

Question. In the reality of alternate 1985 where Biff Tannen is all powerful etc, do they have a series of comedies which in one installment featured a storyline where Donald Trump came to power and all the people in that reality think "that's so crazy, because that make believe story of Trump being all powerful is