
Who was the second best drummer in the Beatles?

Is the Paris agreement the reason the uploader had not made the video available in my country? Because if it is then I'm against it

A devoted Catholic….or a devout Catholic?

Has anyone noted that Tom is standing in such way that you can't see that he's standing on a block?

So, Beverly D’Angelo now plays the mother in law. Where did all those years go?

This movie. I remember seeing it and thinking how this was the movie that I wanted the Phantom Menace to be. A movie with action sequences that dazzled, a story line that touched on bigger things but wasn't bogged down by them, and relationships between characters that seemed real. All of it. Just in space and sub in

I saw those scenes in the cinema in Australia.

Time for a Psycho Fox remake methinks

Johnny Mnemonic. Just awful.

Lost my virginity to the Titanic soundtrack. Made it through the Celine Dion section and ended up in some weird instrumental that was meant to mimic the noises of the engine room.

So Hans knew the name to pick and McClane looked and it checked out. I never really got any tension from that exchange.

Remind me, who was looking at the board first?

That name board always threw me. The name Clay is on there isn't it? But they zoom in like it's a big reveal

Johnny Mnemonic remains the only movie I have ever walked out.

But that still doesn't mean Hugh Jackman couldn't play the actor Hugh Jackman in a Deadpool movie.

Let me just second the love for Gingy.

Has it been suggested that the next time we will see Hugh in an X-men movie might be might be playing himself in the next Deadpool movie, thus playing to the self referential style of Deadpool, making Ryan Reynolds happy and keeping Hugh's promise never play Wolverine again?

Wait a minute. His name is Wilmore? I've been calling him Widmore! Why didn't someone tell me? Oh, I've been making an idiot out of myself!

Was that force sensitive Rey being disarmed by what appears to be a walking walrus?

Because as much as Logan , Professor etc like tIred and old the movie's look is fresh and new.