
At school we kept reciting the part early in Vacation where they roll up in their wood panelled, new car to the hood and tell the street gang that they were from out of town. "No shit" was the reply.

Did America ever get Snake Tales?

Imagine if he had started this show in 1993.

They were weren't they? Wasn't there a scene also they showed a degree of deduction to work something out, like a good guy would do too?

It was on display at every computer store I walked into at the time and I remember thinking it would be the peak of graphics. But I never played it.

"Gallantly Lettered" on the cover of Avengers 4 really makes me want to see Art Simek do his job.

This. I dont care if the world is in danger, it always ends with a sone building destruction and the goddies winning.

They moved it in November last year? Like literally on a truck? That's what's going on with those photos in the article? I confused.

Pokomon Snap. I never played the originals but something hooked me in. It set a new level for on rails first person photography based games.

I really enjoyed it, though I can see how it looks like a poor GTA clone. I thought it was funny too, but I'm sure I'm in the minority there.

In Australia, because so much television is imported from overseas, the federal government partially fund Australian production, particularly dramas. But they cut it after a show reaches 65 episodes and it makes the production at least 20% more expensive. Subsequently we have many series that stop after 5 seasons even

You should have played Wolverine when you had the chance Dougray Scott, instead of being in that piece of shit Mission Impossible 2.

For an outsider who knows next to nothing about college sports, The Best There Never Was was just a sensationally well told tale about a the machine of college then pro football and how it can chew someone out. When Marcus said he just played football for his brother, who was disabled, that just brought the personal

I find it hard to re-watch The Cosby Show because of Sondra.

No Bebe was just right. The one I couldn't stand was Felicity Huffman's character. Just shoehorned in without reason. Best part was when Frasier dumped her after she criticized his hand towels.

I like that one too. Would explain her visions of when Ren turned and Luke's hand on R2 if she was actually there. Was that guy on Jakku to look after Rey from a distance? Hmm seen that before.

It struck me that thinking back on this movie, it's a lot like the finale of Lost. Emotionally satisfying but if you start to think about it too much the holes appear at a rapid rate.

Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is. Only a Jedi could have erased those files. But who, and why, harder to answer. Meditate on this I will.

I do derive a strange satisfaction when watching Thomas in only ever hearing the boss man referred to as 'The Fat Controller' for the last 25 years on Australian TV. I would have thought they would have been pressured to change his name years ago.

So it is just a conspiracy that in the time the MCU has become the juggernaut it is its stable mate has hit bad times. Or that the dollars from movies mean that other, non movie decisions are affected, like which characters get promoted or made a big deal put of. Thought I was onto something there, but no.