
How come no one ever gives 'The Greatest American Hero' any props for handling superpowers right?

Our rewind button was broken so we had to wind the tapes back by hand.

What suggested order lists forget is the order is only half the job. It doesn't recreate the feelings of how it unfolded over the decades.
You also need to list how many times you need to watch them before moving on. So the correct order, and the one I did myself is

Yes, that's exactly how the rest of the world would view it.

Well here in Australia they turned off the network the first generation of phones worked on so they don't work anymore. Regardless, my point is that looking at the long view of technology, things develop quicker and quicker. The last 100 years has produced technology that has in turn produced more technology of

Each Stormtrooper needed a separate iTunes account.

I concede that the muscle car would run as well (and be more desirable!) But my Nokia 3110 would not be able to keep up with the latest smartphone, nor did the Polish bi-planes and horse cavalry do too well against the new German technology in 1939. At some point things need to move along.

I liked that too about the originals, and it was way too heavy handed in the prequels. But stormtroopers going from being Nazi foot soldiers in the originals to residual peacekeeping forces sort of changes who they represent now. Not Nazi but….the US? That is a different direction for the movie to take. Interesting.

So that's it! Widespread corruption between the Empire officials and the executives and the Kuat Drive Yards have ensured that massive amounts of money has been spent on old hardware for decades. That's the idea for the sequel - The Force Sets up an Investigative Committee into the Inappropriate Dealings of Empire

See, that would be an interesting sequel, where the rebels defeat the Empire and everyone's happy and dancing then it all hits the fan because different factions want control and we get a new conflict. With something other than storm troopers.

I've never understood the economics and technological advances of the Star Wars universe. I mean, this is set, what, 30 years after RotJ, and they're still getting around in what looks like the X Wings we last saw (feel free for someone to come in and point out the advancement of cockpit shield or something). And the

What's the age of the EBDB now? Seems like it's just been going on and on and on for something that really should have been a laugh for an episode, not being strung out like it has.

Yes, it's like they think Taco + hair brained idea = hilarity without the need to actually write it well.
Totally agree on Andre and his cat. Everything seems so forced now.