YES to all of these, but “don’t worry about it” has GOT to be one of the most underappreciated ones on here. Saying this when I am just. asking. for. information. never fails to drive me bananas.
YES to all of these, but “don’t worry about it” has GOT to be one of the most underappreciated ones on here. Saying this when I am just. asking. for. information. never fails to drive me bananas.
to whoever made this gif: never change
I really really wish that stories about such events would refuse to name or publicize the shooters beyond giving them a number associated with how many mass shootings there have been in the US since [insert backdate so nobody could possible be #1].
I mean, I agree with you and her 100% when it comes to semantics, and I’m the sort of person that would probably be caught saying this in an interview because I believe in equal treatment of all genders across the board etc. etc. There’s nothing WRONG with humanism and respecting the agency of all people, just like…
“We gratefully acknowledge funding from NASA grant QHJEHJ-443-1 and R. Limbaugh’s ‘Recreational Acquisition Specialist’...” Could work!
Sorry. It just freaking kills me that there are, you know, VOTERS who believe this shit. It’s like the idiots who believe that climate scientists are all involved in some mass conspiracy to positively review each others’ papers and keep those sweet government research funding dollars rolling in.
My real question is whether Allergen Idiots are actually stupid (like, too dumb to know that nuts or nuts), or just jerks (lying about/exaggerating allergies for some lame-ass reason, be it picky eating or imaginary self-diagnosis or just liking the attention). Since I haven’t yet seen a story that goes “The customer…
Also to be fired into the sun: the first person who tries to justify the “$12.10+$3.90 = $15.00” idiot with some version of “but math is HAAAARD.” Nope. Just nope. An adult human who cannot add decimals is not adorably-quirkily-bad-at-math-teehee and not…
w00t Ravenclaw! Wow, there are a lot of us on here...
Stuffed peppers for myself and the dude :) Filling is black bean quinoa salad with some pepper jack cheddar stirred in. *Noms*. Normally we’d pair this with a tasty beer, but we’re headed out to meet friends at a brewery, so, soon enough...
Best kid Halloween costume ever: last year my coworker’s daughter decided she wanted to be a bowl of mac ‘n cheese. She collected the little cardboard tubes inside toilet paper rolls for months, painted them yellowish-orange, and used a hula hoop with a sheet hung around it for the bowl. Apparently they had a…
HOW does this not have more stars??
add me to the list of people coming here to post this.
Thiiiiiiiiiis. If we’re all about “my taxes shouldn’t pay for anything I don’t like” suddenly, what the hell does the House think should be happening to THEIR budget??
My 13-year-old niece has a *huge* crush on him. Or, I guess more specifically, his character in The Maze Runner. It was kind of amusing when I put two and two together and was all “awww, she has a crush on the little boy from Love Actu—WAIT HE’S TWENTY FIVE WAT”