Man, Nicole Eggert deserves a LOT of credit here. She basically knew that nothing would come from her allegations but opened herself up to a ton of scrutiny so that another victim’s case might benefit.
Man, Nicole Eggert deserves a LOT of credit here. She basically knew that nothing would come from her allegations but opened herself up to a ton of scrutiny so that another victim’s case might benefit.
“...and maybe it’s such a shitshow that people don’t want to deal with men at all.”
If a man says he’s sorry, you have to immediately get over whatever it is he’s apologizing for. Continuing to have feelings about this issue constitutes an unfair punishment and shows women are just never satisfied.
Cross, Arnett, and Cera already had reputations as immense assholes. That actually had a negative effect on their getting work. I hope that this is the final nail in their career coffins.
Why must we keep giving chances to the same people over and over, when there are SO MANY talented people who never see recognition? Bateman’s has a wildly successful career, but there are other actors and actresses just as talented waiting for a shot - we should give it to them.
“Wait, don’t rush them! They’ve only had 300 years to get used to the idea that women are people! Be gentle on them, give them a break!”
Who say’s Bateman isn’t also a sexual predator.
Ah, yes. Car accident or something is how it first came to light, right? She was like early 20s/50 years younger?
I’m old enough to remember the rumors that Morgan Freeman had an inappropriate sexual relationship with his step-grandkid, so I’m finding it hard to be surprised he is a creep.
I think that men need to be actively listening to women and non-binary folks and actively talking to other men.
Cancel Bateman? Are we going... are we going to execute him or something?
I just don’t see why you think they’re entitled to a blowjob because they managed to apologise for one instance of their fucked up behaviour without fucking up even more. Your constant coddling of these grown fucking adults is only going to serve to maintain the status quo.
Men: create a system of toxic masculinity that allows them to commit violence towards women and affords them all sorts of advantages over us for literal centuries
I feel perfectly comfortable shunning enablers as well. You actually kinda have to.
I am dealing with this and I don’t know how to handle it. Men who I thought were halfway decent have said some of the dumbest things and then gotten mad and doubled down when I pointed out why it’s a problem. How am I supposed to live with these beings when they all, ALL are this way?
Fuck Bateman and the rest of the AD dudes. They showed the world what they’re like when they’re together and how they dismiss and talk over their women coworkers. True colours.
“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”
Women loners often still have men harassing them, and of course harassment is seen as simple romantic attention. How can you be seen as a loner when people think you have a thing going with some guy who won’t leave you alone?
He was nominated for an Emmy THIS YEAR.