
I feel bad for the girl but if he was not a famous black man, he would have seen some far lesser consequences. 

This right here. The Aziz story is a mirror to how each person feels about sex and consent.

when my mother told her aunt about the sexual abuse she was experiencing, my great aunt said, “oh, these things happen”.

The whole “we’ve all been in that situation” dismal is so annoying. Yes many women have been in Grace’s place. That doesn’t mean that what happened wasn’t wrong. It just means that many men get away with it. I’m glad you pointed that out in the article

No, it’s the *continuing* to hit on her that’s the problem.

The gag is “Catfish” was about him this whole time - the virtual signaling male feminist that in actuality thinks the worst of women.

so unnecessary (the photo itself, not your posting it)

fuck him fuck him fuck him

It’s hard to know stuff when you’re busy quietly settling out of court with the multitudes of men you’ve sexually harassed and/or blackmailed.

Look Who’s Talking #MeToo

Nah. But it’s clear that you’ve mangled a slim line of logic using vague statements based on an incomplete reading of a single article in order to allow you to believe that some gross old white dude is being railroaded by trans folks. I’m not really interested in arguing with someone that far out of their depth.

Yeah yeah it’s a conspiracy to ruin a white straight cis man, the traditional enemy of the establishment.

Castmates, crew members, potayto, potahto. Actually no, you might get away with claimng a fellow actor hoped to gain something by getting a role recast but a crew member? It won’t make one bit of difference to them who is onscreen.

You’re forgetting that the people accusing him are also cast members. I’m not surprised that Netflix and some other cast members who weren’t harassed are still supporting him since they know which side their bread is buttered on. You can’t tell me you read  Solloway statement AFTER the allegations cleared up that

It’s part of our emotional labor contract to forgive and forget, doncha know.

Which story? There are multiple stories.

Try again, apologist troll.

I’m glad more of these women have felt comfortable enough to come forward and reinforce what a creep and a chaser Tambor is. I’m hoping that this will lead to some more concrete action from those at Netflix who seem content to keep him involved in their continued attempts to recapture the lightning in a bottle that

Honestly... I’d rather watch this than the first one. Let’s just all pray to our dear merciful lord Meryl Streep that Pierce Brosnan doesn’t solo in this one.

Burpees mean nothing. Why don’t people use all this energy on useful things, like loading hay or stacking canned food or pelting the vice presidential motorcade with eggs?