An Awful Shade of Puce

Minors are not only allowed to travel alone, they’ve been doing it for as long as airports have existed. There’s no reason they had to detain these kids, especially considering they had an adult family member with them until CBP arbitrarily decided his visa was no good.

It’s probably not calibration, since you can manually calibrate Switch controllers and that didn’t help at all with mine. It did give a me a nice clear look of what the controller thought it was doing, though.

Anecdotally a bit under half of the people I know with a Switch, including myself, have had at least one controller start to drift. Some happened after a few months, mine didn’t start until a couple of months ago, and I got the Switch not long after it first launched. Even if it’s only like 10% of Switches that have

Yeah screw that, I take exceptional care of my switch and all of my electronics, but the left stick started drifting anyway. This is way more widespread than mistreatment damage.

Yeah, I hate how expensive joy-cons are, but they’re also far and away the easiest controllers to do maintenance or repairs on modifications to.

I’ve only ever gotten drift on my joy-cons, which I mostly use connected to the switch in handheld, and fixed it by replacing the joystick assembly, so it probably isn’t bluetooth related. Most folks online seem to think it’s dust or other contaminants getting into the contacts and messing them up, since the joycons

Why would someone making $16/hour get a decrease in pay? Any employer who wants to keep an employee they currently value at twice minimum wage would be expected to increase that rate at least a little to compensate for the adjusted minimum.

Considering that $16 billion is almost entirely going to be coming out of the pockets of millionaires and billionaires, who generally hoard wealth, effectively removing it from the economy anyway, it means the $8 billion gained is going to be a lot more productive than the money lost.

I really don’t see how it leaves people out, unless you mean people who don’t go to college, which seems like a weird group to focus on for a bill about student debt.

I used to use garlic powder, but we’ve learned in our apartment that if you have an allisin intolerance you really need to cook fresh garlic/onion/etc thoroughly if you want those flavors. The powders are too concentrated, I guess.

Taxi companies were involved, to be sure, but the city of Austin had a lot of problems with Uber and Lyft from the start. They refused to perform even state-level background checks on drivers, created awful congestion where there was already problematic traffic, the drivers blocked bus lanes and pullovers so often it

Plants communicate perfectly well! Most generic plant advice is wishy-washy because different kinds of plants communicate differently. Though that said, you can’t tell much from brown leaves because once they’re totally brown they’re already dead. Pay attention to what they look like before they go completely brown.

Yeah, it sounds like a lot of people here had just miserable stand-ins as their school’s guidance counselor, but the one I had in HS was incredible. We were a smaller school and had a separate admissions counselor to deal with all the college admissions nonsense, which probably helped, but our guidance counselor was

By breaking up Google into separate companies—say, splitting off Youtube—it would help break the incentive for Google to give its own services that themselves dominant in their own market selective treatment, and, perhaps more importantly, give competitors a greater incentive to link to those formerly-Google services.

The solution has always been to hire more people to help the AI. AIs have never been good at context and nuance, and based on their current architecture, they probably won’t ever be unless someone comes up with a new paradigm. What they are good at is narrowing down huge amounts of data into something that can be

This really isn’t a speech issue, though—most people agree nazi propaganda is bad, and in it isn’t state-sponsored censorship—it’s an issue of technology. I certainly don’t want to spend half of my time filtering the garbage out of everything on large internet platforms, and neither does the majority of other people.

I often lambast Apple for their price tag, but honestly, $6k for a top-line production machine like this sounds about right. We spend $2k+ per unit on our general-use standard setup here (including displays) at my office, and that isn’t too unusual. I can definitely see how a studio of, say, CG effects artists could

The point isn’t that we should abandon technology to ensure everyone can work, it’s that the adopting of technologies like this, while they are in a way inevitable, don’t just happen by accident. We shouldn’t be reacting to automation like it’s a natural disaster that can’t be easily predicted or avoided.

Plus health insurance and retirement savings, which most people get through their employers and would reduce take-home pay by $5-$10 per hour on their own.

Most successful freelances and contractors I know from all sorts of fields charge a minimum of $50 an hour for their services, since they’re also on the hook for all the expenses of doing their job that you as an employee shouldn’t have to worry about. If rideshares want their drivers to be independent contractors,