An Awful Shade of Puce

As another Virginia resident, this state makes it pretty clear they aren’t all that interested in ensuring everyone can vote. There aren’t enough offices to register at, they’re all understaffed, and they’re all conveniently difficult to get to without owning a vehicle in my area. You can register online, though,

The nazi party didn’t propose rounding people up to execute them at first, either. They stared with rounding people up to deport them or hold them indefinitely. The executions didn’t start until they had too many people in confinement, and by that point they were soundly in power and any semblance of them as just

There are other reasons beyond cost to not get a power supply too high for your needs. The efficiency of your PSU varies greatly with the amount of power your computer is drawing from it—they tend to be most efficient at between 70-80% of their maximum rating, meaning if you’re capping out at 50% capacity you’re

It isn’t, but it is their responsibility as a platform to decide what they do and don’t want to support. They can say all they want that they don’t agree with content on their platform, but the fact remains that they provide the platform and take revenue from problematic developers just as they do for any other

In fairness, Cage has been openly accused of maintaining a toxic working environment for his staff, particularly by turning a blind eye to sexist behavior, in his previous projects, and Ellen Paige has stated he was terrible to work for during the development of Beyond Two Souls. It’s probably not that much of a

You do know climate records are comprised mostly of annual averages or rolling averages for shorter time chunks, right? Extremes don’t really matter there. You’re still mixing up weather and climate, and even then, you could still safely use a 50°C scale for local temperature ranges in Libya or Antarctica, since Libya

1°C is a significant change on climate-scale models, since climate is, by definition, averaged data over a large area and long period of time. Less than 5°C change on a global scale has geography-altering consequences, after all.

We do normally include deaths caused indirectly in events like this, provided the disaster in question is what created the situation leading to those deaths. While different studies will inevitably have somewhat different results, so long as the researchers properly describe how they reached those results the data is

You could also make the argument that it’s troubling even sites as innocuous as NPR had to do something to be compliant. Based on their terms and some experience with web development, I suspect it’s less NPR’s site by itself that needs to collect data so much as NPR’s advertisers, since pretty much everyone just

Yeah, dry food isn’t inherently bad for your cat, but it is basically snack food—a handful of potato chips isn’t going to do you any harm, but a full diet of them sure will. Our vet’s recommended diet is canned paté food in the morning and evening for proper meals and a measured amount of dry food for the cat to pick

You say that, but the solution to homelessness has pretty much always been to build more and/or cheaper housing, which is exactly what this money is meant to be used for. Seattle has plenty of job opportunities up and down the income scale, so it seems pretty prudent to be willing to slow new job growth in favor of

While there’s nothing wrong with exercising caution to avoid the situations that lead to bad things happening to you, it’s a pretty bad look for the federal government to start an “anti-cyberbullying initiative” and do nothing but release previously published information on how not to get bullied with the occasional

Every other industrialized nation has a drug gatekeeper like the FDA, and if anything the tangled web of regulations of the EU is probably much more difficult to work with than the American FDA, yet this remains a distinctly American problem. The reason no one makes a generic is that there isn’t much money in niche

Since it only kicks in for companies making over $20,000,000 in revenue, it won’t really affect businesses that can’t afford an extra $500/employee/year.

In fairness, I’d probably be surprised, too, if a company that cares as much about money as Amazon suddenly scrapped a project they’d likely already spent millions in planning and development on just to be spiteful. If it’s just on hold, that means Amazon stands to lose money for every day of delay.

A quick search says the top 5% starts closer to 215,000/year, not 100k. While it’s possible some of these earners are paid by hours worked, I’d make the argument they’re probably entrepreneurs or successful contractors (like most plumbers, for example), not common wage employees who work for a single employer.

A quick search says the top 5% starts closer to 215,000/year, not 100k. While it’s possible some of these earners are paid by hours worked, I’d make the argument they’re probably entrepreneurs or successful contractors (like most plumbers, for example), not common wage employees who work for a single employer.

On larger scales and cases where you’re trying to measure data with a large range, median is preferred to mean as the point of reference for a “middle of the road” measurement. Over thousands of employees ranging from minimum wage to the CEO’s millions, average alone doesn’t mean a whole lot—it’s always going to look

If you don’t recognize how the two are correlated, or what the point of income tax is as opposed to other forms of federal tax revenue, I’d argue it’s above yours.

But the basis that a limited internet is cheaper isn’t actually how the internet works—the primary cost barrier to entry is bandwidth infrastructure, not individual site access. If anything, it takes more effort and resources to segregate network traffic than it does to not. Facebook isn’t cutting costs by not