Publius in Extremis

Because the American educational system has completely and utterly failed to properly teach what’s in the Constitution and what it actually means. This is considered a feature and not a bug by those running the show. When nobody knows what anything means, you can basically do what you want. Honestly the only good thing

Oh I’d agree with that completely. Outside of West Germany and Japan, our attempts at nation building have otherwise been pretty disastrous and I’d just as soon us not have gotten involved in most if not all of the attempts in the last 60+ years. We don’t even do a good job of practicing our own democracy, the idea

The thing you’re forgetting is that we had to do it all over again 20 years later. Germany didn’t get “crushed” in WWI. They were exhausted, but they never actually got invaded or defeated, they simply lost the will to carry on after hundreds of thousands of US doughboys kept pouring into the trenches with no ability

Because HamNo wants the violence. He doesn’t have the guts personally to light the match, but he sees this as the way he gets the changes he wants. He’s expecting the rest of you that nod your heads in agreement read between the lines and do it for him. In that way he’s no better than Trump suggesting that pro-gun

Given that Democrats had 8-ish years to end those wars, I find that supposition dubious at best. The majority of Democrats are no more anti-war than their Republican counterparts if it means defense spending back in their constituencies.

While I may not necessarily like the idea of people sitting on billions of dollars like some proverbial dragon, there’s a very simple reason why I’m more ok with that than with the government taking it: I’d really rather they not use it, directly or indirectly, to prosecute more wars killing brown people around the

The struggle is real.

They definitely did, the difference being none of those is a protected class yet, so that kind of discrimination is totally ok! For now...

I didn’t say they were, I said that a skilled trade and what amounts to a glorified secretary probably don’t have much in common when it comes to bargaining interests. Anyone who wants to organize should.

This is the thing that irks me about the way unions operate today. Campaign workers have fuck-all to do with electrical workers, yet because it’s advantageous to certain people, now they’re part of that union? I kinda doubt well-paid trade workers have a lot in common with the people working on Liz Warren’s campaign.

So... do it? If that’s how you really feel, get out there and organize it. Otherwise, what you’re really hoping for is for enough other people to do the hard work work and sacrifice while you continue to comfortably earn a paycheck and pay your bills. You don’t get something for doing nothing in the real world.

People loudly shout down asshats using the OK gesture and Pepe the Frog as racist symbols too, but apparently that no longer makes them not be. And given that Odinism and Nordic Christianity have been very popular with white supremacist groups going back to the 90's and probably even earlier, I think we’ll have to

Unfortunately, white supremacists have ruined Nordic paganism for the rest of us. We can’t have anything nice it seems.

Because your comment quoting Libby seems to imply that you agree with her false belief that the Speaker has to be the leader of the majority party. In fact, the Speaker of the House is just that, the Speaker for the entire House of Representatives, and even if it’s a bit naive to think so, is supposed to represent the

It will never cease to astound me the tactics the Democratic Party are taking in thinking they will win:

Since yellow journalism and muckrakers were a thing before any of us were ever born, no, I don’t. There may have been specific journalists or news readers that were dedicated to the truth above all, but the industries themselves? Never.

Except there’s no requirement that the Speaker be either a member of the majority party or a member of the House at all. It’s just that in practice that’s how it has always worked. But if tomorrow the position were vacant and they voted to make Kim Kardashian the Speaker, it would be totally legal.

Correct, because nothing actually says that the Speaker of the House has to be from the majority party. Hell, they don’t actually even have to be a member of the House at all! It’s just that in practice, the majority party is going to vote for someone from their party to be Speaker. The Speaker is meant to represent

For a country that explicitly rejected monarchy, we sure do love a good dynasty don’t we? The Adams’, Harrisons, Roosevelts, Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons. What is it about being related to someone who is able to get elected that makes voters by and large think “Yeah, this person should also be in power.”?

Yup, they’re not really so mad that Trump is abusing power (being mad about what he’s doing to abuse that power is a separate thing). They’re mad they didn’t think to do it first. Like, who knew you could just not play by the rules! As far as they’re concerned though this is a feature, not a bug. Really, if you want