Publius in Extremis

Hey, do me a favor and fuck off. I’m not doing anything of the sort. What I’m saying is when you roll in the mud with a pig, the pig likes it. These right wing piss babies WANT leftists to show up and brawl with them. They’re counting on it. If that doesn’t happen, it undermines their narrative that the left is a

There are better ways of opposing them than putting on masks and beating them up with tire irons or batons. For one thing, right wing fascists are way better at violence. They are looking for an excuse. Speak the truth, hold your own rallies, if you have to engage them do so in a non-confrontational matter, but

The KKK had virtually collapsed in this country by the 90's and it sure wasn’t because you read about them in the news every day (you didn’t). When you combine the always-on 24 hour news cycle, record low trust in both the news media and institutions, instantaneous sharing of information across multiple platforms, AND

Most of the people who show up to counter protest the handful of white supremacists that are at these events aren’t “antifa”. They’re people with leftist views, usually some sort of anarchists, who like anonymous violence against people they don’t like. I mean, everyone who isn’t a fascist is technically antifa in

The difference here though, is that people who hide drug addiction or homosexuality usually don’t have their own personal islands devoted to doing those things. His private island has literally been referred to as a “sex island” for years, and his initial charges a decade ago would be enough to clue anyone in that was

This was only ever going to end one way. Even if he had actually been murdered, which honestly I’m more along the lines of nobody was motivated to make sure he didn’t kill himself, did anyone honestly expect anything else besides his death being ruled a suicide?

It isn’t so much that anyone close to him believed he was innocent. There’s no way they didn’t know what he was up to. It’s just that they justified it away, or, legitimately didn’t care. I don’t know which is worse.

The trick to picking up on a TomatoFace pseud is that whatever comments they make, they always seem a little too earnest about it. Like, imagine you were going to pretend to take a position you didn’t necessarily agree with, and you were going to formulate a response that went along with that position. Now imagine

In the interests of full disclosure, after reading these comments and doing further research, honestly I have to agree with you on this at this time. There is a narrative being pushed that large numbers of mass shooters may have either been on or were coming off psychotropics, but the verifiable evidence does not

For some reason, the idea of a zombie Jack Lalanne is very humorous to me. Probably still pulling a boat with his teeth or something.

There are lots of reasons you could star a comment. Maybe you do agree with it. Or maybe you think it’s important other people see it, even if it’s a bad or reprehensible comment. Or maybe you just want to watch the world burn. I think inferring that just because someone starring a comment they think it’s a good

Eh, if you’ve got decent counters you can duo Rayquaza without much trouble. Level 25 Mamoswines or level 30 Glaceons or Weaviles. With ice lures now a thing, Glaceons are easy to get unless you’re unfortunate enough to live in a biome where they somehow don’t spawn. The only advantage this guy has is assuming he’s

I have zero problem with that. If you are convicted of domestic violence, you probably aren’t the kind of person who should have a gun. There’s zero excuse for using violence against someone for anything other than self defense.

Well, that’s an embarrassing typo. I meant “doesn’t mean causation”. But your misreading is humorous, I will say.

I do not believe that mental illness is a big or by any means the solution to gun violence. However, there does seem to be evidence that a large number of the people who commit mass shootings have been taking psychotropics or other drugs normally associated with mental health leading up to these events. Now obviously,

I forget, does that come before or after the airing of grievances?

My hot takes might be shit, but they aren’t racist. You know how I know that? Because our old friend Biji Rayy Cyrus here would be linking those rather than trying to connect dots that aren’t there. I’m fully willing to own any comment I make, but I’m not gonna let someone use their cancel culture bullshit on me for

Starring comments is not the same thing as agreeing with them. And none of the comments you pointed out, are ones that I’ve ever starred, and if you can prove that I ever starred any of those specific comments, I’ll shut up. But, you can’t can you? So instead you create this psycho web of connections where if you ever

It’s nice to imagine, but let’s be real: He has been insulated from virtually every terrible thought and action he’s ever had or taken his entire life thanks to the wealth his definitely racist father accumulated. Nobody at any of the parties Trump was attending even 10 years ago would’ve laid a finger on him, because

Yet, you’d think they’d have some sort of editorial review, or a style guide that says “Hey, maybe don’t only use peoples’ physical appearance as a punching bag when it suits you, and shit all over someone you don’t like when they do it too?”