Publius in Extremis

I hope you’re all stockpiling ammo and canned goods, because between serial gaffist Joe Biden and all the people running for student body president promising all kinds of free stuff they can’t possibly deliver, who the hell is supposed to beat Trump in 2020?

Mitch is saying he supports red flag bills because even if they pass one, it’ll almost certainly get struck down in the Supreme Court, as they’re blatantly unconstitutional. Then he can dust off his hands and say they tried. Whether you like it or not, you cannot deprive someone in this country of a right without due

Getting Splinter to do actual journalism, like for example on how Pakistan and India keep trying to find new and exciting ways to kick of a regional nuclear conflict over a piece of land that had its borders drawn up by some likely gin-soaked British cartographer with malaria 70-ish years ago, is about as likely as

The answer is quite simple. There’s virtually no way to regulate any sort of private sales without a national registry of who owns what guns, and for all but the most zealous anti-gun folks, that’s generally considered to be a non-starter. Everyone seriously calling for “universal background checks” knows this. This

Tragic boating accidents for days.

The answer to that is easy: It makes the numbers of gun deaths seem much more alarming to anyone who doesn’t parse out the actual categories. They make up roughly 60 percent of gun deaths annually. The majority of the rest are people already engaging in criminal activity (usually gangs) and law enforcement. You have

If there were “thousands of people being massacred in public with assault weapons every year”, you might start to have a point. But it isn’t anywhere close to that.

My guy, you couldn’t be more wrong about that, and it’s entirely evident if you read literally anything written about the Second Amendment from the time period in which it was written.

Grayed is one thing and I fully expected that would happen to some folks, especially if Libby was the only one that followed them, but they can also make it so only you can see your comments if they so desire. It happened to me over on Deadspin, apparently I pissed the wrong person off. Somehow, that hasn’t happened

I’m actually a little surprised she didn’t have everyone shadow-banned on her way out. Forcing long time commenters to have to create brand new burners for people to actually see their comments would have been the nuclear Greyening.

A ham sandwich would’ve won the election over Trump as long as it wasn’t named Clinton. This is the thing that makes me think everyone on the left has gotten brain worms since 2016. Hillary Clinton’s campaign points and plans weren’t inherently bad. It was entirely the messenger that was the problem. People on the

I’m curious what percentage of that 13% are devices that simply can’t upgrade to iOS 12. I’d imagine it’s the majority of them. Which, if that is the case, would make it even more impressive.

If anything, should we actually make it to the general election and Trump is left off the ballot in one or more states, they will likely use that as a rallying cry to get out the vote in the purple states he desperately needs to win. Sadly it wouldn’t be difficult at all to see him narrowly eke out another EC vote,

Not really, these guys want to die when they commit these acts. It would be far better for everyone if they were taken alive and tried in the courts. This way, he goes down as a martyr for all the other dumbfucks who think like him but are even too cowardly to shoot innocent unarmed people.

Stop naming these assholes. When you publish their names you give them exactly what they want: Infamy. You’re literally playing into the bullshit Fight Club “in death he has a name” mentality that so many of these shitheels have.

Because well regulated in that context doesn’t mean what you think it means. Immediately any time someone trots out that trope it’s apparent you haven’t read any supporting material whatsoever. All you have to do is Google the phrase “well regulated” and it’s plain to see their intent and meaning. It certainly wasn’t

Great, I look forward to receiving your written reply via Pony Express rider since clearly rights only pertain to the technology available at the time they were enshrined into law.

The Bill of Rights does not grant you a single right. That’s not how rights work. If someone is granting you the ability to do it, it is a privilege. Rather, the Bill of Rights restricts what the government is and is not allowed to do with regard to those enumerated rights. The right to bear arms is an important

Except, when you read the relevant Federalist paper, the early drafts of the 2nd Amendment, and literally any of the correspondence between the noteworthy people of the time on the subject, they never intended the right to bear arms to be connected solely to the necessity of the militia. They believed that the