
This is why we can’t have lemonade stands and Little Free Libraries.

You know what machine wasn’t networked and survived? BOOM!

This digitization and networking of all data is rediculous. Not everything has to be networked. I understand, puting data into digital format gives it longer life and if in a fire proof case, prevents damage by fires, flood, etc.,.. Why do these machines need to be networked? It’s just asking to be exposed to the

“Yet Assange, snug in his Ecuador-underwritten berth, has remained silent on his host country’s surveillance tactics.”

Not killing off the Borg has to be one of the best Trek decisions. They’re such a perfect bad-guy. They’re driven by such a seemingly noble cause and expand because they believe that their every action is correct. There’s no malice or anger or hatred and eyes. And they have legitimately succeeded in that purpose.

That one little Cybermite did survive the episode. I’m convinced. At this point, we really do need the Doctor to sort this crap out.

Isn’t it obvious what is going on?