
Nobles do some crazy things when their line of succession is threatened.


How many times a week do you see someone crying?

Works for weed, too. A friend of mine told me that. Yes. A friend.

"They're not such cowards after all!"

It's almost as if the pope isn't actually infallible and the voice of God on Earth. Hmm, maybe this whole religion thing was bullshit from the start. Maybe all these people who claim that God is speaking through them are just liars or crazy people. Maybe this whole diety thing is wishful thinking on my part because I

Cool. It's like a color wheel for Vulcans!

Just remember that every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself.

Thank you, Mister Greenwald for the risks you routinely take to your personal safety to explain why privacy matters to an audience largely misunderstood as uninterested in security. Folks who do not seem interested in protecting their data security and their privacy need look no further than the recent leaks of

It is very important to vet your sources and use a little common sense. For instance, it is not terribly likely that a lethal dose of vitamin C or gulping colloidal silver will cure Ebola. On the other hand, deleting the system32 folder on your computer really does seem to speed it up.

My personal policy on meetings is that I will not sit in a meeting for more than fifteen minutes. I'll just get up and walk out. If you have something to tell me that takes more than fifteen minutes, put it in an email.