I haven’t played it in quite some time. Is it still optimized like complete and utter ass, or gotten better now that it’s coming out of Early Access?
I haven’t played it in quite some time. Is it still optimized like complete and utter ass, or gotten better now that it’s coming out of Early Access?
That “babies first flash game” art direction pretty much ruins the whole thing.
Let’s see, authenticity... the colors need to be disappearing so you have to start from scratch every single night.
Is there even any point to releasing this now? That asshole is already free. All this does is traumatize us all again and rub salt in the wound, showing us that a Black man or woman or child can do everything right and get killed in 3 seconds.
That rhythm heaven clip was a terrible.
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
because no one else is pointing it out. got any other obtuse comments?
Women play video games? Why that’s a notion so preposterous that I shall need to fetch my fainting couch and smelling salts!
Spider-Man is actually an elaborate measure by the Trump administration to prove the need for removing the healthcare burden from the tax system.
Well, you must be fun at parties.
Everyone will be wearing helmets and padded suits in the final build of the game.
“The Evil Within 2 is coming Friday the 13th of October.
& Knuckles
Wow. Kingdom Hearts counted to 3 before Valve did. Considering they literally made several titles with the IP using decimals, I am mildly shocked.
Because fuck MRAs.