I was about to ask the same thing. I want to play this game but that “optimization”
I was about to ask the same thing. I want to play this game but that “optimization”
Seriously, fuck Chris Brown.
Battlefield 1 is the same way. I play on PC a couple times a week and report someone at least once per session. Usually I can deal with it by hiding chat but sometimes it’s just too much. I’ve reported people for dropping racial slurs then been matched with them a week or so later, still doing the same shit. People…
That sniper kill was so good.
1v1 him
you clicked on it.......because?
This is always my favorite part of E3!
People actually liked that xbox controller? I understand if it appeals to people with bigger hands but that thing is ugly as hell.
AHHH that new Wolfenstein.
glad it’s good for something
I thought I remembered hearing something about a way to disable them but when I went through my quests I didn’t see anything. When I was backtracking I went all the way back there and kinda stumbled across him. That’s frustrating haha.
Yeah I realized that AFTER I cleared that entire section lol.
I just finished the other day and was thinking about this section. That part where you need to get to Dahl’s ship was infuriating. Every time I’d go into that room everyone would light me up, I had to leave and look for weapon upgrade kits/glue for the glue gun so I could freeze and hack them. I still thoroughly…
“SJW’s” lol
I went to college in Tallahassee that Gamestop was the main store I went to. There’s a Wal-Mart in the same plaza and I found a crack pipe in the parking lot outside. I actually applied there but didn’t get the job I guess I didn’t put enough drugs on my resume.
Another one of these articles
Monster Hunter has taught me to control my frustration, I almost smashed my PSP when I fought my first Rathalos.
no pc no care
no pc no care
Rollin’ in that gil.