
“Quinnipiac’s poll found that 61 percent think that the campaign is increasing hatred and prejudice in the United States, and 67 percent of those who think that attribute it to the presumptive Republican nominee.”

Davies said he didn’t want a ‘tour of the isles’ following Eccleston’s northern accent. He made Tennant go Estuary.

Tennant was at least as big a lifelong Who fanboy as Capaldi.

Also, what were they feeding their baby during those twelve hours?! Because an infant this young needs to be fed every 3-4 hours or so, no? And who was looking after the baby during these drug-fuelled “gatherings”?

But....but formula is full of BIG PHARMA TOXINS!!!! *snorts another dose of cocaine

Actually, being a Scot he would spell it ‘favourite’.

Or feed the kid formula - I mean, sure, “Breast is best” but I think “non-narcotic nourishment” trumps that....

He is the one true doctor in my heart. TEN FOREVER.

Now playing

Anti-immigrant sentiment usually comes from ignorance but is nearly always fuelled by inequality and poverty (and tacit political manipulation).

Yeah he cleaned the whole house.

Formula madam, look into it...

I’m going to say yes-in that it’s a narcotic. And drinking to excess isn’t advisable while breastfeeding either. People drinking responsibly are able to control their milk supply/safety but if someone was binge drinking on a regular basis while breast feeding-it would also be considered abusive and wildly

Sooo... You go through the effort to breastfeed, but can’t stay off the coke while you’re doing it? Sometimes breastfeeding *isn’t* the healthiest choice for your baby.

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

Yeah dude go knock that chick up she can abort easily now!

exactly. this was basically “Congrats, lady people, on regaining control of your bodies. More importantly, congrats, menfolk, you can safely treat women as sperm receptacles again!”

The belief that women get abortions as a lark and/or have no sense to prevent pregnancy in the first place is much much more damaging and widespread and, you know, *actually* believed than the belief that everyone can marry animals.

You know when people profile, like, serial killers or whatever? Like “This person is probably a male in his late 40s, bad relationship with his mother, insecure, poorly educated but prone to snobbery and delusions of grandeur...”

Umm. I know everyone is SURE Noah had nothing to do with this tweet, do we all not remember the Twitter “jokes” we all had to read through after he was hired on the a Daily Show?