
I’m still kind of mad that ‘female empowerment’ is embodied by a girl, rather than a grown-ass woman. But I guess girls are non-threatening enough to not crush the testicles of these manbabies....

Good. I don’t want to be your friend. You sound nasty.

Life imitates art.

But do you really know otherwise? For many women, it isn’t a choice, but what about the women who do choose to wear a hijab or a burka? Would you tell them you know better than they do about what they really want?

What a noble concept...

Welcome to Trump’s America. “I’m not a racist but fuck those brown people”

Are you equally upset that the other women in the pageant shaved their legs and armpits? That’s the result of a culture that tells women that having visible hair on their bodies is intrinsically unsightly and shameful, after all. Should we refuse to celebrate all women who remove their body hair as well?

Sounds like they need to GIT DEM TITTAYS OUT during the swimsuit round then.

Yeah this is the value of actually knowing something about what you’re critiquing. For sure hijab is inextricably bound up in awful patriarchal garbage, but then so are high heels, and I’m guessing all the woman on that stage were in heels.

But, Bithynia, how can you say this without giving the OP a pat on the back for being so tolerant? Look at them, tolerating all over the place! They haven’t set anything on fire or thrown hardly anything, just sat there with a sneer on their face while people dare to behave in ways of which they so deeply disapprove,

I’m all for freedom of religion. Believe what you want. But I’m not going to celebrate a representative of a belief system that tells women that their bodies are intrinsically immodest.

Yeah I’m all for breaking down barriers and destroying prejudices but... At the end of the day it’s still judging women on their looks.

I am not a big fan of pageants, but I think, given that they exist and will probably continue to exist for some while, there’s nothing wrong with using a pageant as a forum to spread a message of inclusivity. A lot of people who watch pageants are probably the same people who have never met a Muslim and only know them

I think she’s doing her best to try and provide a positive example of her faith and culture where she can to masses who might otherwise not see someone in a hijab or a “burkini”, but I’m also firmly of the belief that beauty pageants are outdated, sexist, and harmful. So... I guess good for her for trying to combat

Yeah like. I WANT to find a reason to cheer about this, but ehhhhh.

But the thing is that Muslims doing stuff that notable and normal is a big deal, American Muslims are living in country where they know that so many hate them, her being in a pageant is not directed at you but to all the young Muslim women who dealt with hijab being pulled off or being told they are not beautiful. But

How inclusive of this human cattle auction.

He also forgot to mention the disabled. We’re pretty used to being marginalized though, so no biggie.

Whenever someone says, “but trump made a great statement after he won about how we should all come together and heal after the contentious election”, please remind them of the 1000s of other statements he made every single day for the past year and a half that said the exact opposite and worse. Not to mention the many