
I don’t dispute Alabama deserved the 4 seed. i dispute your assertion that it’s obvious that UCF could not “hang” with Alabama. UCF didn’t play enough tough opponents int he regular season—a combination of schedule misfortune owing to playing the AAC and the choices it’s AD made 3-5 years ago.

UGA beat Auburn. Auburn beat Alabama. Alabama beat UGA. You know what, yeah, Alabama is the best of the bunch, but not by a giant margin—or else Auburn wouldn’t beat freaking Alabama.

says the dude whose first reaction was to post about ucf.

Given your comment history, I knew you were an idiot. Now I have mathematical proof. Thanks!

Hey I got no stock here but how is it remotely possible to say this

I’ve had the same pair of mpow cheetahs for 2 years. They last 6 or so hours on a charge and continue to work great.

I’ve had the same pair of mpow cheetahs for 2 years. They last 6 or so hours on a charge and continue to work great.

“How do you know this?”

Right, in both cases (IRL and the game) the properties are desirable because of location. But IRL what drives up prices is the desirability combined with limited availability. In the game world the availability is effectively infinite so pricing is entirely artificial.

You are correct. It’s not limited

Is it actually limited in GTA? I’d assumed that people could buy the same property they just entered their own instance when going inside.

Blockbuster: A play at the plate that is no longer allowed.

now want all of us to peer pressure gaming companies

I really can’t believe how harsh and critical you people are to someone who wrote a thoughtful article and is a human being who sees what you write. Maybe his next hot take take should be about the irritating trolls of the Kotaku comment section?

Speaking of weird insecurities, here you are angrily questioning the masculinity of a stranger because he wants to play a game on easy mode.

He didn’t claim to be “bullied”. That’s your own overwrought interpretation of a not particularly angst-ridden article.

No, he saw a game with an issue about how it approaches difficulty, and then used that as a prompt to address how bad difficulty sliders/choices are as a whole. Some people don’t want games to be super hard and Wolfenstein 2 is just contributing to the bad implication that people who like easy games are losers.

Have you ever sucked on a straw to drink a beverage? Did you instantly inhale your coke? How did you survive long enough to learn how to use the internet and post on here?

You don’t seem to understand that exchanges are a thing. If I had 10,000 BTC in a wallet, I could sell them right now on Kraken or Coinbase or Exmo for ~$99.87m in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $99.87m. It’s not like your money is trapped in BTC or even in crypto. You can

People at work like to play videos, so their bosses can be sure they are goofing off a sufficient portion of the day.