A bunch of people in this thread hate fun apparently.
A bunch of people in this thread hate fun apparently.
this is Good
That’s the point I was going to make about the song. For the most part, I think this article raises some interesting points, but that one struck me as a bit baffling. I don’t think the effect is to reinforce the idea that what the soldiers are singing about is right at all. Even as an 8 year old kid, I thought they…
Saved me the trouble of writing the exact same thing. Why do modern reviewers insist that every aspect of a piece of art is instructional and meant to be taken at face value?
“A Girl Worth Fighting For” is emphatically not anywhere near this writer’s description of the piece. Putting it in that context is like trying…
The gender politics in Mulan are indeed far from perfect, but you’ve chosen to focus on some really strange things to make your argument.
I don’t want to download their app, so out of luck.
Counterpoint- he’s a walking anal fissure and moral cesspool that deserves all the scorn he gets.
I would run for 2 season than everybody would left because it’s too expensive. See: LMP1
If he wins the championship this year the discussion is over. As it is I barely think it is an argument any more.
Gawd there is a tanker load of bile sloshing about on this page, lots of people doing their digestion and circulatory systems a whole lot of no good!
This should just be titled “A List of Things About Other People’s Cars I Don’t Like Therefore They Shouldn’t Exist, Even if They Don’t Really Inconvenience Me All That Much. These, for the most part, aren’t even trends, just pet peeves that people get butt-hurt over.
Stop liking what I don’t like.
So bummed its only a 30 minute special and not another season. This was such a great show in every way.
I agree wholeheartedly with the others who said “gave me cookie got you cookie” and Winston reading Z is for Zombie. My #1, though, is probably Nick’s rant about towels.
Given how completely trivial it is for someone who owns a Wi-Fi access point to intercept unencrypted data, why wouldn’t you want that?
Oh man, that one song off “Thick as a Brick” is the best. You know which song I mean.
This is satire, right?
If that is how you interpret this, you are completely wrong.
I’m a Jeep fan but I have to say, I agree with the Fish Guy. It’s incredibly disrespectful to the environment and an ad like that really encourages bad behavior on the part of Jeep owners. Hunters and fishermen, who make up a large segment of the Jeep market, are (or should be) great stewards of the environment. Jeep…
Yeah it is racist. People aren’t making that up.