
You can tell the AVClub has really changed when the first pop reference to this concept isn’t immediately the MeowMeowBeans episode of Community.

Nah, fuck that shit. I worked as a waiter for 7 years. I tip generously, but I don’t tip 20% no matter what. If someone fucks up I let them know, and I tip accordingly. You “20% of GTFO” people are taking this too far.

You: “What if we don’t automatically take the least generous interpretation of everything someone says?”

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

Really, it’s come to this?

“We can’t have the inmates running the prison,” McNair said.

There is, but it requires that you carry around another device with you, and if you do not already own one, spend another $100 (2DS) or $200 (3DS XL). People want a core Animal Crossing game, and they have a right to voice their opinion as much as people who are digging another f2p title with in app purchase. I would

Do you really believe you’re in the majority here? This is a relatively literate group(for a sports page🤷‍♂️) take a’re probably the only one who didn’t understand wtf they were talking aboot🙄

I can see arguments both ways. Devil’s advocate to that is whether the kids should have same standard of living as they would if living with him.

“Genuinely curious as I’m passed the point of knowing who is good and bad.”

Then quit trying to differentiate the two and know that people have both inside of them. I’m sure a lot of good decent people owe their livelihoods to Donald Trump, or at least his companies. That doesn’t negate his obvious downsides.

This is assuming that there is something inherently not progressive about open sexuality and smut, or that they are counter-intuitive to progressive movements, which isn’t true.

I can’t tell if this was good or if it’s ending up in the Gregg Easterbrook Memorial Haughty Dipshit of the Week.

This was a terrible read. It was like you wrote it with a thesaurus by your side trying to string together words and sentences that sounded “intellectual” and “deep”.

And this is for a game that will be obsolete in under 12 months. Do they even transfer to the next year’s game?

Fuck this noise. I didn’t realize WB had begun publishing NBA games.

Better idea:

Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting that Ainge must mortgage their future on anything. I’m talking about one draft pick. One! And not for an old player in a win-now situation, but for a 27-year-old superstar with two years left on his current below-market deal, who stands a very good chance of still being near the

“This guy might not be OK to drive.”

Not hotdog.

Keep up the good work, Jian Yang.