Splinter Will Never Die

I was actually shopping more at Gamestop over these past few years with each year ending up being more than the previous. I guess that’s over. Oh well.

when the Fed/central banks are forced to either raise rates or stop all easing and the market collapses, Gamestop and crypto will become a meme for fools and their money.

Mitigating one problem doesn't negate how ridiculous the concept is anyway. Crypto and nft still need to die off like any other scam.

Lol, cuz war and pollution will cease because blockchain becomes ubiquitous.  Ok, good logical measuring stick.

Christ, like I needed yet another reason to never go into GameStop again...”Hi, can I interest you in a preorder? No? Power up rewards? How about I explain to you that buying a jpeg is an ambitious and worthwhile financial investment?”

Don’t put out the fire, just build another room next to it!

Oh look, even more reason to not shop at GameStop.

Investing meme stock capital into meme products for people to buy meme investments.

The report says GameStop has brought on twenty new hires to develop the new online marketplace

“Before I complete your purchase, can I sign you up for Game Informer or sell you this JPEG of Crash Bandicoot?”

I agree completely.

They’ll need to make room in the store then. A wall for Funko Pops, a smallwall for videogames and the counter, and a wall for boardgames/toys. Guess they’ll need to remove the games to make room for NFT boxes.

I love how desperately every business and its mother are trying to leap into NFTs, because it’s going to make the resulting burst bubble incredibly satisfying.

A terrible ploy to keep their dying and bloated stock price afloat. Premarket already up 25%.... NFTs are a joke. Gamestop is a joke. This market is a joke, and has been for years now. The mere mention of any positive news and stocks explode overnight for 25-100% their current value. Elon Musk tweets, Tesla erupts....

The GameStop motto is “Always be the worst”

If anyone could have guessed anything about the Game Stop saga, it’s that this was the most obvious step along the way.

What’s funny is the sad reality of the matter. A majority of Chinese Pay 2 Win phone games have a very specific issue. Ultra-rich Chinese pay massive amounts to flex their tiny peens by beating Free 2 Play players from other countries. I’m almost positive it’s all a massive scheme to prove Chinese superiority.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons. 

hard to muster even a tiny violin’s worth of sympathy for a guy who had 1.4 mil to burn on a video game character, for sure.

Yeah, fuck the frivalous rich. Meanwhile I can’t afford to buy a house and half of the people in the world can’t afford shoes