
I hope this precedes another announcement for “Brink 2: But This Time It’s Good.”

Jetfire was based off on Macross so I’m assuming thats why Transformers wasnt mentioned.

This is the guy you’re looking for

They were based on the F-15 Eagle.

It was a little tense for a minute, but nobody ever thought the soviets were crazy. It was easy to believe it was an error in judgment. Incidentally this was the impetus to allow civilians to have GPS.

Oh my god you’re right. It looks like he wanted to push her in traffic. Also, there was a man there right in front of her and he didn’t try to push him. It makes me wonder if this was a hit or maybe he is some sort of serial killer.


Shoot out to Illtown all day, but damn Aliya this article was kinda wack. You just compared 3 alleged criminals with a guy who may/ or may not have cheated on his wife. Slow news day much?!?

Moore claimed that as another officer, identified as G. Vasquez was handcuffing the teen, she spun her left shoulder into him, knocking Vasquez off the balance and taking him to the ground.

Will always star a Preacher reference, thx

They definitely handled this better compared to launch of Sombra. I wonder who’ll they launch at BlizzCon then.

I catch him doing drive bys on Deadspin and I reminisce about old taku.

I guess I’ll do what I normally do: go through the free-purchasing process just to own it and then never play it.

If the justification for the travel ban was so they could take 90 days to improve vetting (which is already extensive but anyway), that 90 days that has long since already passed. Why do we still “need” the damn travel ban?


With all of his honorary doctorates, I’m shocked that he hasn’t yet requested to be called Doctor Trump.

Because college.

Wait, Chloe was Australian?! I’m a kiwi and that didn’t occur to me! I thought she was somewhere in the region of India or something.