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Do you mind if the Utah Saints borrow her for a few minutes?

I agree that there is something wrong with his brain...I understand what he is trying to say but somehow the thought in his brain comes out completely different from his pie-hole. Like when I try to draw a superhero and in my brain it’s an awesome Jim Lee-like drawing but it comes out looking like a Rob Leifeld


“They can’t vote so fuck ‘em!” - Donald Trump (probably)

Yup...I didn’t know about this play last night until I saw it here on Deadspin. The news came on and I turned off the TV...then I logged on to Deadspin and was like “WHAT?!?”

I get jittery with 2 cups of coffee....this shit will make my heart explode!

Mexican coke>>>>>>>>>every other cola drink

Aww man...I thought this was a new Owen article. It’s a good read though...

I wonder who the final boss be?

I hate HATE reggaeton cause they use the exact same beat for every damn song! Ugh...and don’t get me started on barchata.

I think the impact of the storm didn’t hit me right away since my family and the company I work for came out relatively unscathed...that is until I was able to get back to work on Wednesday and checked my emails. A lot of our customers sent their support and prayers but what finally made me pause were the emails from


So far so good, we still have power and luckily our condo complex was built on a little hill at the corner of our block. Rain water has stopped at the entrance and not gotten in...only problem now is there is a wet spot in our 2nd floor ceiling so we had to go into the attic and set a tub to catch the dripping water.

This is how you know these people are dumbasses...didn’t they learn from their pappys and grandpappys to hide their faces? That way you can do your lynching on the weekends and still have a job Monday morning...idiots! smh...

You might feel a little pressure...

With that hair he could’ve played David in a live-action Lilo & Stitch...xD

I was pleasantly surprised to see him reprise his role in Jurassic World...the only returning actor from Jurassic Park. Well other than the T-Rex...spoilers!

Looks like B.D. Wong...with 90's hair. :)