Why would anyone want to come to Houston in August? There is nothing to do here...you only get blistering summer heat with the nearest (shitty) beach hours away.
Why would anyone want to come to Houston in August? There is nothing to do here...you only get blistering summer heat with the nearest (shitty) beach hours away.
Neat! I love M.I.A. and explosions...so win-win!
Can someone make a gif of that one scene from Signs and replace the alien with a creepy Pokemon? That be swell...
The space shuttle explosion or Live Aid from the year before...I have bad early years memories. :/
It’s curtains I tell ya! Curtains!
I hate both teams...is there a way for both teams to lose?
Was she calling out her attack like Street Fighter?
Controller update?
I don’t know what’s funnier...the video or the commenters defending the videos he’s making fun of.
Hmm...the person singing the Canadian anthem is wearing a Heats jacket. So there’s that...
The biggest difference between Civil War and BvS is that almost all of the action scenes happen in broad daylight...none of that dark murky post production added nighttime from BvS where you can’t tell what the hell is going on! I was sitting in the second row of a packed theater for Civil War and still managed to…
Heck yes! Sam Sho 2! After TTTT and KOF98 showing up on the last update its great to see them showing love to fighting games!
I just got out of a prescreening of Civil War and it was A-MAY-ZA-ZING! The theater was packed to the gills and I got stuck sitting in the second row but still managed to enjoy it! I don’t know much of Black Panther from the comics but he was awesome and I can’t wait for his stand alone movie!!!
I’m really tempted to buy the CvS 2 digital copy for the PS3...but the reviews say the controls are crap. Hmmm...
I’m really tempted to buy the CvS 2 digital copy for the PS3...but the reviews say the controls are crap. Hmmm...
I was hoping for another Burnout type game...can they buy the rights to the Destruction Derby series? Now that would be fun...make it 60% driving and 40% breaking stuff!
This is a great idea! You would travel back in time and help out in the “all gullied up” mission by sniping enemies that are a threat to the present time line while avoiding contact with past heroes! And Activision could use past assets and not make it seem like a cash grab!
Oh man...how many times am I going to run thru mile high club on veteran to get the achievement again???? I think it was the closest I ever got to breaking a controller...