
I like how Sakura is doing her little dance from her post-win pose! :)

Guess I'm a little late on this but I always liked Owen's Shop Contest and participated in it when I best memory was when I didn't place in the contest but Owen redid the article to feature my shop as the cover when he missed seeing it in the round up and said it should've at least placed. Thanks for that

I thought this was a realistic re-imagining of the Power Puff Girls villain

If you own this movie then do yourself a favor and watch it with the commentary track with Milla, Michelle, and the director. Milla and Michelle are either drunk or high the whole time and barely let the director speak. They make wise ass remarks during most of the movie and then spend the rest of the time picking

Dude...I am soooo high right now!

Everybody clap their hands!

Momma's got a squeeze box...daddy never sleeps at night!

Light bill is gonna be thru the roof!

Kuato Lives!!!!!!

Finally! My eggs won't stick while I'm gaming!

A latino friend at work asked me if I knew what a Nintendo 10 was since his daughter wanted first I was like "whut?" A Nintendo TEN? What the hell is a Nintendo TEN?

I went looking for this game but found another one with a price more my liking...FREE! Its a zombie game but instead of being one of those clunky 2-D ones you usually see for free this one is in stunning 3D! It's called Dead Trigger and the graphics are really nice for an Android game. The touch controls are pretty

Hey! Since the new commenting system I'm now unbanned from io9...yah! :P

What the I couldn't recover my old name so now it has an underscore between it. And this new commenting system is...weird. Maybe that's why Owen took 2 weeks off since this is gonna play hell on the 'shop contest?