A production copy of a game doesn’t contain the *source* code. The source code is what the developers have written, and that gets compiled into machine code which is what ends up on the disc/cartridge so the hardware can run it.
A production copy of a game doesn’t contain the *source* code. The source code is what the developers have written, and that gets compiled into machine code which is what ends up on the disc/cartridge so the hardware can run it.
I wonder what the legal implications are of releasing an emulated SNES ROM on a non-Nintendo platform. In theory you could hack the ROM to remove any references to Nintendo and emulators could still play it. The emulators themselves don’t contain any copyrighted Nintendo material, so would that be legal?
That’s not exactly true. The actual throughput you get from the disk depends on what the game does and how its data is organised.
Yeah, the way Denuvo works it means it’s completely pointless if there’s a non-Denuvo build out there. Apparently some games with Denuvo have been cracked because there was a demo that didn’t have it, and that was enough for people to make a crack.
When the Queen dies (or abdicates, but I doubt that would happen) you'll soon realise how they are a big deal to a lot of people. It will be all over the news for months and months.
I thought it was awesome.
Part of the reason the size of some games (in terms of storage) is so large is because of data duplication. On a mechanical hard disk it takes a significant amount of time for the disk read head to move from one part of the disk to another. So to cut down on that time it’s common for some assets to be duplicated so…
FFXI is the one main series FF game I haven’t played. But unless they make a single player version, I guess I never will. I gave XIV a go, and it was ok but ultimately I just don’t particularly enjoy MMOs.
Fingers crossed for a re-envisioning of the first Metal Gear.
Although in this case it actually is built on the Quake engine. I assume with a lot of modification though.
Even after Brexit, the UK is still in Europe. Switzerland is in Europe and not part of the EU. I’d say Iceland is in Europe despite being an island and not part of the EU.
I know how they feel. Literally, because I was laid off by Activision a few years ago.
The area with the bags on those units is also one giant scale, and occasionally they’ll lock up because they think the weight of what you placed ina bag is different than what you scanned.
It depends on the contracts involved. Presumably the contract between Behavior Interactive and Bethesda stated that Bethesda owned the code they produced, so the devs did not have the right to use it for a different game for a different publisher.
Final Fantasy XVI will be announced, with expected release date in 2029.
I guess I would have fallen afoul of this law. I used a Raspberry Pi with a camera, wired up to the innards of a PS3 controller to do the lightning dodging.
Makes me wonder what storage the next gen consoles will have. The stock hard disks in the PS4 and Xbox One aren’t going to cut it. Load times are already pretty bad in a lot of games, so with more data to read for 4K gaming load times will be even longer.
This annoys me too. Even though I generally play games for the story, I wish dialogue would just get to the point quicker.
That’s right, you’re not saving space at all by buying on disc. In the end it all gets installed to your HD just like a digital copy.