
While I usually enter my actual birth date, I once got the wrong year and was locked out of a game site (I think it was The Witcher 2). Wasn't sure what to do initially but then I changed the country from U.S. to UK. My intention was to see if I could re-enter the information in a new age gate, however, I was

Ash actually mentions Chuck Finley in the game.

Epyx did make a mountain-climbing simulator in the '80s called Final Assault. I've never played it but the videos do make it look boring.

I believe this one is coming to the US as well. I've recently received Dual Shock 3 UPCs from a distributor for metallic gold (4/29), metallic gray (6/16), and a translucent red (4/29). Release dates could just be guesses but they are probably around the general time frame.

That's a bit harsh. Police dogs are quite useful at locating criminals, drugs, bombs, etc. Many dogs also strong enough to pull people to safety if need be and then there are dogs that lead the blind. I don't want to hate on cats but they're mostly all about themselves whereas dogs help many people.

Is this a trick question? Trout wasn't a candidate so nobody could vote for him. You could only vote for one of the seven players mentioned above.

There was a game with the same title released on DS in 2009 so this could just be a port of that. DS also has Playmobil Knights while Wii has Playmobil Circus.

Don't you think a new Shenmue would play better? It's not like they'd make it exactly the same as the first two. Of course, the primary desire by fans for another one is to conclude the story.

I don't know that it matters but there is a different developer on it. FarSight made the others while Phosphor Games is making this one (they did one of the Kinect Adventures mini-games). Wii U is probably going to get a lot the bad but popular(?) games Wii had; D3 is continuing their Family Party series on Wii U as

Did no one else get angry instead of sad? I was frustrated because I had kept her in the party most of the time, leveling her and purchasing weapons for her. If I recall correctly, I spent a lot on a primary weapon for her shortly before her death. I also didn't believe she could be dead so I just kept playing waiting

Is that about the same as Record of Agarest War? I fell asleep during that shortly into it as well. It's the only time I remember falling asleep during a game. I was probably just too tired to play but it was also very slow-paced, and I never tried it again.

No you don't :) I went to junior high and high school with Kuh. There really isn't much to tell about him. Outside of school I think he was usually trying to make money. When I'd go to baseball card shows to buy cards, he'd be there with his own table trying to sell junk. I do recall him once trying to get myself and

BF3 is Armor Battle for the Intellivision.

Yeah, that's I remember as well. Push left and hit the button. I also had the C64 version, and I always thought the woman looked like she had a beard.

Actually they do have some Kinect stuff, though I can see not really counting that. I'm not certain on the release dates of all of these but this year could see the release of Fable: The Journey, Ryse, Kinect Rush, and a couple TV games that I'm not sure are actual games (Nat Geo and Sesame Street). If you count XBLA

Never mind my last comment's edit. I don't post a whole lot on Kotaku so maybe it takes a minute for that @ part to show up. I also forgot to mention the Move-only game Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest.

The 360 does have exclusives, unfortunately most require Kinect and obviously aren't the types of games most of us want. Maybe those don't count but they are for Xbox 360 only.

Last year was Resistance 3, not 2. You forgot about Uncharted 3 as well, and I suppose sports games count so there is MLB 11: The Show. Some others would be the White Knight Chronicles II, Trinity: Soulsof Zill O'll, Ar Tonelico Qoga, Atelier Totori, and Hyperdimension Neptunia. PS3 got a copy of No More Heroes too,

Airborne Ranger and Sid Meier's Pirates are two I played a lot of on the Commodore 64. The Microprose name is actually still in use. I know it's not the same company but the logo is identical. It appears on the back of the Jaws: Ultimate Predator boxes for Wii and 3DS. I'm not entirely sure what they did though as

Is that just console rights? I played Tetris on the Commodore 64 a couple years before the Game Boy was released. Spectrum Holobyte published it.