
This was exactly the problem with a lot of the Hillary supporters when faced with the surge of support for Sanders. God forbid that people have the temerity to actually support the candidate whom they agree with most. Nope, it was Hillary’s Turn, and anyone who said otherwise was a sexist shithead. As far as they are

Illinois Packers Wisconsin Cubs fans are just the absolute worst. We get it, you like a different team, we don’t need to hear how you’re a fan because your dad went to Kenosha Six Flags for a weekend once.

Rodgers still takes a back seat to Mathews for the player that most overweight 20-40 year old women in this town want the most. I’m so happy he’s married now. Hopefully that will decrease the number of hogs wearing shirts with “Clay Mathews future wife” on it

Sure, if mobbing a car and assaulting a professor at Middlebury is your idea of free speech.

You really love losing elections, don’t you? Sorry, but the Democratic Party of Martha’s Vineyard and Palo Alto isn’t going to do shit for most Americans and people know it. Your center-right corporatism is currently fucking us all over.

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

Poor, sweet Peg. Shes like a dimestore, self-taught philosopher who learned everything she knew about Philosophy from old Readers Digest magazines, who once talked about things nobody cared about in a confusing sort of way that nobody could really follow, and who now prattles on at a volume little higher than a

If you are flying for free as an employee or relative of an employee, it’s reasonable to expect you to adhere to the dress code. I respectfully suggest that these celebrities find another cause to rally behind.

Exactly this. I just keep thinking, “Now his supporters get to say that he pays his taxes.” I feel like it did way more harm than good.

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

Good thing Pareene doesn’t have any sort of public platform then.

C’mon now, he’s the “bash’lor.”

What if people just ignored him? Let him wow the college republicans on campus with his rhetoric and then go home. He thrives on drama and outrage, otherwise his whole act suffers. He makes the news and racks up viral videos when he says awful things to and about liberals and protestors who come to his events so how

Because as bad as the orange elephant is, my worries about him don’t overcome my pathological need to find ways to debate my own moral superiority over pretty much everyone I come across.

I didn’t know he played football for Penn State.

The funny part is most people still don’t take it as seriously or as personally as football.

How’s that affordable housing and homeless population crisis working out for you guys?

... I mean, The Boy Who Cried Wolf is still a well-known fable because it’s still remarkably relevant to modern society. When someone has done tons of “pranks” in the past that involve lying about something happening to him (including one specifically about being racially profiled for being Muslim), I think it’s

Hold up. There’s no proof he WAS kicked off the plane for speaking Arabic. That’s something that only he has said and no one has backed him up on it. He could have just acted like a tool, then made up the rest as he got kicked off.

i·den·ti·ty pol·i·tics