
exactly. liberals always assume everyone is a rational voter; carefully weighing the resume’s of each candidate against their interests and determining which is the best for the country and voting accordingly. they assume everyone is just like them.

LOL, no it’s brilliant to hand soundbites to AM radio and fox news of nancy pelosi gloating about democrat victory that hasn’t happened yet. it’ll certainly keep otherwise indifferent republican voters home.

i think it’s a brilliant move to put a person the conservatives universally despise on national television to talk about how the blue wave is a forgone conclusion a week before the election. no way is this a colossal unforced error that will likely cause more conservatives to run to the polls as a reflexive spite vote

just doing her tone deaf character of a smug coastal know-it-all on national television a week before a pivotal election that will end up riling up the opposing base that hates her guts, all while tempering support for her party’s base with a milquetoast message of latin...

the worst thing she could do a week from the midterms is to go on national television, predict how large the democrat victories will be, confidently declare how imminent and unstoppable the blue wave is, tempering any ‘unenthusiastic’ blue votes who will now decide that their vote isn’t necessary and stay home (because

these dumb fucks are the type of people who’d rather be unemployed than putting in time at a less-than ideal job just out of college because they’re not following “their passion”. entitled insufferable pricks.

we must be outraged insufferable pricks. we must generate clicks. we are gAVkerClub.

shh. comprehending what he said comes secondary to hearing what you want to hear and generating outrage clicks.

sorry, but what we need now are more self-inflicted think pieces that fracture a voting bloc that cannot afford any missteps. WE MUST EAT OUR OWN FOR PURRITEE!

the moon doesn’t get enough credit in evolutionary history. 

with all his bombast, self-promotion, and over exposure, he’s still doing more to antagonize trump and fight for our side than these milquetoast, squishy think pieces from this...umm...self-described...journalist

yea, but what makes him different than any other lawyer?

Begynning To Become a Problym” the Megyn Kelly story

well it follows their logic:

radiolab has become unlistenable. there are far better places to get actual information without overproduced, over-edited distractions. their recent drift into social sciences and cultural issues was enough for me. it’s boring at this point.

thank god we have you to determine what is acceptable consensual sexual behavior between two sober adults.

roughing the kicker not called on the last play.

many don’t, at least not in English. but i’m SURE they make fun of us in their native language (even right to our face with a smile) i guess just like this disgusting lady but without the vitriol.

hey man, i was agreeing with you. accomplishing something that pushes the boundaries of human achievement after years of training and personal dedication isn’t cool. what’s cool is making your boss more money before you die of a heart attack. 

yea, why can’t he work a meaningless desk job for thirty years and die of a heart attack like the rest of us!