“...veer wildly between off-putting nonsense and some of the most transcendentally masterful television ever broadcast on the small-screen.”
“...veer wildly between off-putting nonsense and some of the most transcendentally masterful television ever broadcast on the small-screen.”
No, the FBI had every right to investigate The Monkees and anyone who says otherwise is rationalizing their obvious suspect behavior. It’s well known that Davy Jones once switched places with a Royal, for example to say nothing of the fact that Mike Nesmith once tried to run for Mayor. There’s also countless instances…
Siouxsie for the end credits was inspired as well.
I rewatch this movie every Thanksgiving eve, because as a kid in the 80s WOR out of NY would show this, Son of Kong, Mighty Joe Young and an assortment of Godzilla movies during the Thanksgiving holiday. I looked forward to it every year and have continued the tradition well into adulthood.
For a country founded on electing our leaders so they are not treated like kings or gods we sure do love metaphorical hand jobs any chance we get. From giant statues to giant phalli, Battleships to libraries. We just love jacking these assholes off. Many owned slaves, Many more were racist and a lot were warmongers.…
Moby Dick is frickin’ great. People are so weird about books.
The Wicker Man is already a musical.
How about it’s the best thing out of all media in the 2010's?
Packaged in such a way that you have to cut it open and stab it in the heart, then retrieve the discs from the mountain of foam?
I would say Twin Peaks The Return but a tiny part of me still hopes that Lynch returns to that universe, even if it is for only another movie or a much shorter mini-series. I know it’s never going to happen, but hey, I can but dream...
I have literally no problem with Gotham being an elaborate stealth prequel to Batman 66. Penguin, Riddler and Jermiah feel like pretty natural precursors to their 66 counterparts im the best possible sense.
Hot take: Robocop holds up FAR better than Ghostbusters, is still very relevant, and the right writer/director could probably modernise it very effectively.
We’ve seen this script before.
The racist jokes in the Chinese restaurant scene have to drop it to the bottom.
Matt Berry hosting. Then I’m sold.
Angel was the better show.
I was having a pretty good day today. I’d aborted over a dozen babies, I’d gotten a couple of conservative co-workers fired for “hate speech”, and so for lunch I decided to visit Wendy’s. Not to purchase any food—like my fellow elites I only eat artisan kale salads prepared by women in hijabs— but rather to mock the…
http://dictionary.pinpinchinese.com/definitions/t/交待-jiaodai It is true. Also notice the familiar shape of the first character.
Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the…