
Eventually the angry fans will get over their petty dislikes and move on.

There is nothing cheap about driving a Saab 900. They are beautiful, wonderful, never ending money suckers.

Grade-A journalism, interview a parent that has no children enrolled at this school, let alone any school for that matter.

I thought the tools were named Chad in sales.

My issues are with the script paying no attention to taking a character we know and explaining *why* they’re different - Luke just “is different now” with no credit to the audience.

One of them was found living near 14,000 feet in Colorado, the highest wasp ever found.

that quote is from someone that WAS a Heather, or one of the little brown nosers trying to be a Heather. This is basically saying the Empire were the good guys and the Rebels were terrorists.

Its not a revelation, and very few people are treating it as such.


I’m dying of laughter over here. This is the perfect exclamation point for Steve Jobs’ philosophy.

I was born the year A New Hope came out, so I too wasn’t around for the reaction to Empire Strikes Back. To me, Star Wars always just was. ROTJ was one of my first movie memories fer chrissakes. To me it seems I always knew the answers to the mysteries or I was otherwise not as critical a movie-goer when I first saw


“Google Has Figured Out a Way to Detect When Strangers Are Sneaking a Peek at Your Phone”

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

There is no cure for psychopathy.

Did anyone stop to think that maybe these were just hungry, hungry hippos?

If you haven’t heard of them before Charlotteville then you haven’t been paying attention.

I love the “Fuck this shit” banner idea.

Can it distinguish between hot dog and not-hot dog, though?

Will anyone?