
Rich people horse trading. The CEO of Bandcamp made some cash, lost some cred. But he’ll be fine. He got paid & can land on his feet. Meanwhile, half the staff that does not have that kind of a golden parachute is scrambling for jobs.

Word. The more I look at Scott’s career, the more I realize I kinda don’t care about him as a director. While Blade Runner & Alien are two of my favorite movies, why they are so good seems to have much more to do with happenstance than with the director.

I’d love to see Laconia. But kinda hope they don’t do anything with it. Except maybe tease it for the future. There’s simply not enough time. I believe they’ve made some statements that despite this being the “last season,” it’s not the end for The Expanse. Would love to see them come back with something a few years

I feel like the conventional wisdom is still that Gattaca is a “good movie. I don’t understand how that’s possible. I’m surprised that it was considered a good movie at the time it came out.

For me it was Dr. Chakwas. Would really love for that Serrice Ice Brandy scene to go further.

Such a dividing line. It’s true, Kaidan can be whining and boring. But I just can’t stand Ashley.

An automatic in that Porsche though? The guys over at Jalopnik are gonna be sad.

Same, but live music.

I bought the Aukey. I’m not sure if it charges from all 3 USB-A ports at the same time. But I tried plugging 2 peripherals into the USB-A ports. Only one at a time works. I think I plugged a mouse in one & a keyboard in another. Only the first thing I plug in would work. The other 2 USB-A ports might as well have just

Even though the film has cut out several beloved elements from 1998's Mulan, it contains enough references to please fans of its animated predecessor.”

Uh, I've eaten water spinach. It's a legitimate edible green. Buuut, it has a strange flavor that could also be called a noxious weed.

“I set out to tell a story that transcends time and the confines of nations, cultures, and races; one that compels us to consider the fate of humankind as a whole.”

At some point, the popcorn was likely popped “fresh.” But if there’s a lot leftover at the end of the night, it might go into bag. Depends on the manager, the theater, and whether they care more about penny pinching or having a reputation for good concessions. Though TBH, a LOT of people probably won’t even notice the

OK. So we are actually in agreement. Everything I said after the fact I only said because your initial statement didn’t really provide much context. We both tip, we both disagree with the economics behind it.

OK, you’re against tipping. But do you still tip? I hope so. If you do tip even though you don't believe in it, disregard below. But given that you described yourself as "firmly anti-tipping," this sounds less like a hypothetical stance and more like you're justifying your actions.

Wasn't really a fan of Tankian's singing, but as others have mentioned, the Taiko drumming that was added to the cover really did kick it up a notch.

Does this one actually work? I just bought an Aukey one bc I thought it was a reliable brand. But I can only use one USB-A port at a time. And I don't want to return it until I have a replacement since I need it to WFH.

Does this one actually work? I just bought an Aukey one bc I thought it was a reliable brand. But I can only use one

Mostly cute, but definitely sometimes kind of an asshole.

Pffft. That mask is clearly not N95 rated.

I only vaguely remember watching both endings as well as the sequel. I watched the first in the theater when it came out. It was stressful & claustrophobic, but good. I watched it again either streaming or on DVD because I was going to watch the sequel & recall that the ending was different.